SC.2 - Relationships

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Are you around here?

No one huh... Look uhh wierd 12 year old voice kid.. I still need a name to associate you with..



This guy is seriously gone... Well I'll just practice my powers for a bit

Amity Pov:

I finish work and start heading out. "Are you gonna come?" I ask Sky who is still at her desk. "I'll be there in a couple minutes" I know she's looking for something to buy for hunter "Get your depreso Coffee boyfriend some spray paint" I say and start walking towards the elevator "Why?" I hear sky ask.

"He is probably the type who could paint something nice.. Oh and I'll walk home"
Sky nods than keeps searching for gifts on her phone.

I get a message from hunter asking for anything sky might like so I quickly type out.


Go for maybe a necklace?

What if she dosent like it.

I step into the elevator and continue to send messages.

You should just straight up go for the question.

We only started dating half a year ago lady! Chill!

I chuckle.

And? I don't think she whould mind.

I'm not a simp for any good looking Girls like you!

Luz is a special case!

The elevator finnaly reaches the ground floor and I put my phone away muteing the notifications.

I walk out the front door walking past a familiar coffee shop..
Then an alley.. It having a familiar memory attached.

As I keep walking I see the mall. I don't care to walk in as most things are closed by now.

I finnaly reach our house opening the gate walking up the hill to the actual manor.

I look at the eye scanner.

"Good Morning Miss blight" the ai says as a click is heard and the door unlocks.

I step in closing the door it looking afterwards.
I greet my dad walking up to my room siting down.

In my desk Is a couple hundred year old book.

"Philip Wittebanes diary.... 'Living in the boiling isles' what a strange name..." next to it Is a key. Cracked and broken almost in pieces. Alongside the door brief case but in pieces.

I open the book to were I last was.. I'm only a few pages from the end yet it never at any point has he mentioned anything about the portal door or pocket dimensions but.

Luz told me once that the portal belonged to her grandfather who was a human and that Belos Was technically her uncle... He didn't act as such tho...

I clench my fists together wishing I could see Luz at least once more

I open the book.

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