12. Lies Hurt More

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If anyone is reading this.

You are the chosen one to know I'm not dead! (I'm on a quest to find a bad joke I made that makes me turn in bed at night and ask myself "how was I so immature" so yeah)

Amity Pov:

Im walking in circles in my room thinking of what I should do, find luz's home? Talk to her in school? Maybe she dosent even want to see me... Dammit why can't I uhhh use magic like a reveal thingy.... Spell! why can't I use a revealing spell there's surely one... It's kinda late but who cares
I press the button on the staff which I hold in front of me with extended arms so that I dont hit my nose, I start wondering how the staff actually works... Maybe if I? I think of luz but I'm freezing in the room and suddenly a.... An ice statue of luz holding my hands kissing appears.... I turn into a red gay mess as I think of the next step maybe if I just think of luz... I slam the bottom of the staff into the ground and think of luz closing out everything else and then im suddenly in luz's room?! I take a quick step runing to the door but I can't open it, I trow the blue glowing staff away and im in my room? But it looked just like hers. The staff stoped glowing and returned to normal.

Im confused how was I in luz's room?

Or is that how it Looks? It's kinda small.... She does live with the Old wanted women or are they just buddies? It dosent matter I can ask for a drone and find Luz, she goes on patrols every evening and its not late yet so she must be starting soon if I can hurry I can follow her!
As I quickly rush down the stairs almost slipping but catching myself on the railing... 'That Was close' I think to myself as I keep runing, dad usually is testing new things in his lab underground and even tho we have a radio on us so we can talk he must of the time dosent hear it becuse of the machines he's using so I quickly enter the basements staircase and pick up a set of protective goggles and and a pair of gloves and run keep runing down and soon im face to face with a huge robot my dad has been working on "Hey fath- dad!"

Im getting used to calling him dad but not quite there yet. "Hello amity what's the suddon visit to my lab?" I quickly take out the staff "Dad the owl girl gave this to me and left a note saying she won't be able to protect the city so I want to know what happened to her!" dad looks at the rod and just shurgs "And the rod does..." I quickly press the button and my dad looks amazed "It can do magic but I'm not sure how yet all I know is that it does what Im thinking about combining it with something around me or something like that..." dad takes a closer look to the staff examining it closely "Yes that looks like advenced technology but I don't know were I come in want me to disassemble it?" I look at him in shock "No I need a drone to find the owl girls location" he grabs a screwdriver "Tho I can take a close loo-" *zap* dad is suddenly zapped by the staff as soon as the screwdriver gets close to it "That's a good shock my hand hurts I guess we aren't touching the staff" I look at him with a playful glare "Of course not? It's a magic item I don't want to break it" dad walks up to the counter he has and opens a cabinet grows a chain of keys towards me.

"Go to my room and open the second door inside that's the storage for smaller electronics" I quickly nod and start running up the stairs again but stop at the top, take of the goggles and the gloves and keep running to the spiral staircase in a haste until I reach the second floor and take a quick breath 'I should exercise more I have such a small running tolerance, Im tired by walking dammit' huf puf hah.... As I slowly start walking I wonder if teleportation spells ex.. They do why didn't I use one of those the gold kid was able to do it, I open the mechanic staff think of the room and slam the staff into the ground and suddenly....

Common what did I expect I was 3 meters (that's 10 foot I think?) behind right next to the top of the staircase... Tho it did work but I'll just learn this stuff later, as a keep walking I close up the staff becuse for some reason it's actually quite light when closed unlike when it's extended tho I guess I can perform magic so a bit of weight lifting won't hurt... I finnaly reach father- dad's room and enter, the room looks clean but we all know thats becuse he only comes into his room for his tech and to sleep and has work clothes in the lab..... I walk up to the second door in the yellow colored room and open the lock and slowly open the door to my disbelief somehow a decent sized room can be cramped Into such a small amount of space and I look around the shelfs before I find the black drone siting on the shelf I whould say alone and dusty but dad built a fan system that sucks the dust up in all the storages in the house... Tho it's annoying when It starts to suck up the cereal from the opened bag/box

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