10. 3/3 Failed

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Luz pov:

As I enter the emperor's golden colored chambers I take a look around and I see them between every pillar, they stood proud as an emperor's guard with their white and gray clothes and their bird masks but let's not forget about the emperor tho once I see him on his flashy throne I'll be mad because can't see his smug smile due to his ma- weres his mask?

"Ah hu- Luz you came back to spend more time with your family?"

"The Luz in this universe is also connected to bellos?"

"You don't sound like The human Luz I know"

"And you don't have a mas- I mean and you don't look like uncle rain? Also ayo emperor still hate me? "

"Ah yes rain didn't we discuss that he and many others were never found after sudden disappearances and hello."

"Not with me gramps I'm not your Luz"

"Than how dare you use her body to try to assassinate me!?"

Suddenly each guard is holding a magic wepon and are around me in a circle and are giving me a deadly glear thru the masks in sure they are. And the emperor has a mad? Look? Did he really think I used a body swap spell? This emeporer actually cares about this universe Luz.

((backstory about their Conections will be in a later chapter))

"Got the wrong idea grumpy uncle im Luz from a different universe"

"So you are Luz after all is the belos in your universe also good to you?"

"No more like he used a Potion of the lost, a human realm portal and did many evil things just to get me out of his way so he can overtake the human realm"

"Wait potion of the lost, that explains why you are here! Wait what's with your loo-"

"Im a witch"

"No i meant that outfit it looks so good on you, is your girlfriend happy?"


"Well amity of course"

"She hates me"

The guards slowly move back to their spot but each of them still gives me a glare that could kill... Those glares...

"Of course she does for now but once she learns how nice and caring you are!"

"Ye ye ill get a girlfriend, problem is im not lesbian?"

"You are bisexual."

"How do you?"

"Stop joking you are family, she is destined to be your girlfriend, so let's go over how you got here..."

"I'll ask her out for a friendly dinner once this is over but until then, we got here by-...."

Amity Pov:

As I was waiting for my soon to be gir- the owl girl...Luz that dum dum while I wait a couple of ideas pop into my head and so i started thinking... she saved me a couple days ago after I was so rude to her... Why did I act like that again? I had a crush on her! Oh ye she left that Spanish class and she suddenly disappeared... She was wierd, the type of Wierd who whould hate the good witch Azura series or say flirty comments... Trying to act nice but be rude as soon as rejected... Right that's why "I KNOW WHY I WILL FOREVER HATE LUZ!" did I say that out loud!? Nooo.

"You dont Like the hum- witch human?"

"No it's.... Not like that"

"Whatever you say human blight, I am pretty sure the other you even called herself luzbian once"

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