3. 'New Girl' ?

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The story will get better after a couple chapters so just have some patience

Eda pov:

"I really don't know what to do whith her king she's sweat and is a witch and all but I'm starting to think keeping her whith me isn't the best plan but for now it's all I can do for her it's not what she deserves but what I can offer" I say as I look at King 'hes been jumping around and purring at Luz who was not expecting it even tho she says that they have cats there no Matter I might have just found something'

"HEY LUZ!" I yell hoping she can come for a second


"I might have found something for your ear problem..." she gives me a warm smile oh how I miss those ever since lilith went to be a detective and I'm kinda of a criminal mastermind in her eyes we can't just meet up.....

"really let me see!!!" OK she has way to much energy for me but I'm the one who took her in its really my fault nah shes the best thing to happen to me ever since that wierd brown haired guy came to my relic store whith a green haired girl in toe and bought wierd stuff of of me.

"Here lemme put it on for you" I say as I put it in a way that it hides her ears.

"uhh why did you put a wierd hat on me?" is she seriously questioning my fashion? It's a red beanie and I think it looks great on her.

"It looks great tell you what go on a walk around the city and have a look at everything becuse you will be walking around here whith frends and you need know what caffe is close and what's the best clothing shop" she looks confused but nods

"1 Last thing eda?"


"what's a coffee shop?" wait really oh God she has to learn a lot.

"it's like a bar but serves some breakfast and maybe even some pies or other backed goods whith a drink named coffee it's basically made out of beans" she looks like she understands ah no explanation to do today eda thank god.

"Oh you mean bitter bean blood?" what did she say bitter? Bean blood? Is she really not a vampire? Hmm

"ye something like that but before you do anything can you give me a quick explanation on who you are like your past?"
She looks mad? No more like she's sad I've never been good at conforting oh don't make me do this.

"Uh it's a short one so my mom was Named The Owl Lady and sh-" "Did you just say Owl lady? Am I your long lost mother?" I am pretty sure I don't have kids no Wait im 100% sure how can I have kids if I'm not married to anyone or never gave birth... I'm dumb.

"What no thats he criminal name her real name was Camilla Noceda, she was a wild witch who went against belos' rules the first one beaing no wild magic, which is self explanatory as I just said it moving on she was really just hiding from law and protecting me whenever she could she told me about how belos treated us and she kept us on the move once here once there on the boiling isles but one night she got captured she left me owlbert and My cape witch can deflect magic projectiles, and she was petrified or turned to stone whoever you like and so I went for revenge and became a wild witch myelf but that's enough" she looks like she is about to cry I whould ask about her father but I don't know how to get her to cheer up after

"you know I am also called the owl lady but mostly becuse I like owls im mysterious and can stay up all night on the look out for weeks whitout sleep if i have a feeling im in danger" she looks a bit more cheerful

"alright that's enough title talk for me go explore the city kid" I give her a wave as she leaves ah she's a diferent type that's for sure now to get her signed up

Idk duee

Luz Pov:

'As I walk around the city I just stay in an awh, all these lights these wierd ground staffs you have to keep your balance on and even horse less... What are those called again? Hmm dosent matter they look cool'
I say that in my head as I bump into someone

"Whatch it nitwit" OK she looks mad this is bad "Oh I'm so sorry I wasent paying attention I was admiring the city" that was a good apology.. I hope.

"No excuses whatch were you ste-" why does she look at me like that.

Amity Pov:

I bump into this wierd girl and I'm really annoyed now, not just am I have to deal whith bosha constantly trying to flirt whith willow but now this

"whatch it nitwit" I say as I pick my headphones up but berore I could say anything else I hear "Oh I'm so sorry I wasent paying attention I was admiring the city" wow typical dosent even look were shes going

"No excuses whatch were you ste-" I look at her and her eyes illuminate like a torch in the dark and he stan skin collor and her hair and, snap out of it she's still the one who bumped into you keep your eyes on her but don't burn to death by a blush ugh this is hard.

"So So So So sorry I really didn't mean it can i help whith something to pay you back I don't have snails on me" did she just say snails? Or am I having hearing problems btu this is a good opportunity for me.

"Ye ok fine come to the caffe down were you came from and lets talk this thru like real adults/ teenagers i dont know" she nods uh thank God I can spend time whith this cut- no bad gay panic just stay focused she looks new didn't see her at hexide either she must be visiting I'll just ask her later.

As we walk I hear my phone ring and oh God no "one second gotta take this call" I step a bit away into an ally and take the call

"~Hey Amity~"
"Hello Boscha why did you call me?"
She had to call just right now huh
"~Ye so me and the Gang are gonna hang out you wanna come?~"
"No remember im not in your bully group anymore no matter what happens"
"~rude I'll just talk to new girl instead she just in front of me~" oh god

"Fine I'll come whith to your stupid party but leave her out of this" why whould she use the new girl
"~Got a crush? Huh your gonna go soft like this Am~"
"Whould rather be soft than whith you!"
I yell as I hang up and imidiatly see the new girl she has an injury on her knuckle and is that Boschas ex boyfriend whith a crow bar???? But how is he knocked out? There no way she can punch that hard but maybe she has some 6pack or something I'll just go to Boschas party and leave her off whith a warning.

"New girl im leaving a frend called and this was her ex he was clearly after you for some reson" I point at the guy on the ground.
"Oh yea he can't swing any wepon and I got him whith a single punch" did she just say single punch? He's 1 of the 5 strongest students at hexide and he is stronger and biger than bosha and me by a year as in hes also an upper classmen.
"Good job on that I'll see you around new girl" I give her a wave, she smiles at me and oh God that smile it's out of this world.

((ha ha I have a bad sense of humor))

As I quickly run to were Bosha wanted to mee up I relize were we are at the Owl shop Ugh I hate this place the owner is a crazy lady and wait is that the new girl? And why whould she be here? And how did she get here before me but shes at the cash register ok this is wierd....

I just shrug it off and keep looking

Soon we finish looking around and new girl Is nowhere to be seen I can be in peace and Boschas stupid hang out was pland alredy badly and now the new girl isn't here either ill just head home.

Le time Skip: 30 minutes

As I arrive to the blight maner and I open the the door hell comes.... I said hell comes.... Guess the twins are... Oh right they have colege no wonder the manor is empty and boring... Sometimes I miss them but that's rare no matter I got 'frends' and that's all that matters its also geting late ill go read some Azura and go to sleep, I hope we meet again new girl, ok I need her name this is annoying.

As I walk into my room and grab my diary to write about the hot gi- the new girl and how much I want to know who she really is becuse I never got her name.

Ugh no matter I'll just go to bed tomorrow is gonna be long day who am I kidding school hasn't started it will be boring

New Worlds And Old Memories (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now