25. War Of Realms Pt. 2

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So I published last chapter on the 12th

Started this one on 14th almost midnight... Took a little Break

Have I ever said how lazy I was when writing? How easy it is to get distracted? Video games, frends and everything but hey I promised to finish this by Easter

And I intend to keep that promise

This is the final chapter until I make the specials and start the second book

The specials will be giving hints to book 2 and getting some ships finnaly done... And lemme tell you.... Hunter x someone is coming and it's not who you think

From now on I won't interupt at all (the songs I wanted to use will not be used... But some lines will be put in whith some modifications to fit the story and dialog)

Anddd that's it!

Enjoy chapter 25 part 2 out of 3 sadly

Oh and by the way... I accidentally posted the draft..... So ye happy days :D

The end - Thats all that flashed in my mind as I was packing up to run to amity's house... Oh right hey again it's me Luz... So to explain the current little situation... The emperor is here? I think? We are gonna prepare for him... Willow said she will get Amity and gus went along so they don't fight..

I run out of the school and imidiatly run towards an alley to discuise and fly to the blight manor and whitout hesitation as soon as I reach the manor I jump thru an opened window rolling to ease the and reach the familiar living room.

The twins both look over and each holp up their phones with a 9 and 9.5, hunter so holds up his scroll with an 8.. I gues I have to work on my landing still.

I draw a spell and my outfit disappears, I check my jeans pocket taking out my phone.

15:07 damn could have saved a couple minutes.
I walk over to the small glass table were everyone is sitting and hunter whitout hesitation pulls me over.

"Ok... So we are only waiting for your girlfriend and the other 2 so I'll start" he quickly announces before grabbing a small Billiard cue and pointing over to a part of the city map.

"We are here and.. The emperor might be coming from around here? A while back He said he found a human map washed up on the shores and found this city perfect... And that he whould atack from here.. But the portal door is in our possession so I don't know how they will atack he never mentioned a plan B.... Anyone else?" he stoped and the 4 of us looked around while he grabbed a cup of water.

Mr. Blight got up from his chair that folded into a tolbox and looked onto the map.

"I'm a technician and have a PhD in quantum science and engineering but... This is more magic than engineering"

He said and started pacing around the room so I quickly joined into the conversation "Welll...technically the emperor was always into tech that's how Amity has the mechanical staff... He always found it fascinating in some form or at least I heard from my mother before she was petrified"

'If I were to open a portal... A big one at that so I could bring a lot of troops over.. Were whould I open it...' I look over the map of dust valley and look for any places for a portal to be opened.
And... The forest!

"The west forest! They could open a huge portal in that forest!... Belos wants to rule over both realms but whitout destroying either so he will take a... Safer... Option so that means he won't put it inside the city... The west Forrest is the only decent area if he has the city's safety as a priority."

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