SC.1 - Time Flies

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I wake up and look around my messy room before grabbing my phone and checking the time.

08:53 2025.08.30

✉️3271 new messages
📞 5 missed calls

I press the button again and my phone opens up.

I really should get one of those.. Face reading... Phones..

I think and go to messages.

The Group-happy birthday! How have you been Amity?

Everyone asked but I didn't open the chat.

I left it unread and texted them all separately saying pretty much the same thing "Pretty good and thank you"

I text hunter sepretly, he moved in with lilith and found a small tree seed Luz had with her.

He told me it's a palistrom seed and explained that that's the type of wood used for making palisman.


e planted the tree a month after luz's disappearance and have been taking care of it ever since.

It hasn't grown a lot... It bearly had a couple branches and wasn't even tall enough to be above my waist.

I messeged him like usual and he sent me a picture of the tree.

Every single day I whould ask for a picture. It hurt a lot but it was the only thing keeping me up hoping she returns one day.

I get out of bed and walk to my chair picking up my suit for today.. Its a Saturday so I have to work at Bligh industrys, I have to make sure everything is ok.

I sit down and slowly dress up before I walk over to the bathroom in my room brushing my teeth.

I look at myself in the mirror.

The purple dye has been fading... It's been 2 years after all.. I finished high school and started at the hexides university.. I wanted to move to a different city with less memorys but decided to stay... Maybe she comes back.

The Exams went well but they weren't the same...

I put the toothbrush back into the cup next to the tooth paste.
I tie my hair up and walk out of my room walking downstairs.

My dad greets me in the kitchen drinking a cup of apple juice which I didn't expect as he usually lives on coffee. And sleeping pills.

"Good morning"

"Morning" I say still half asleep rubbing my eyes.
A small robot walks up to me slowly opening a hatch on its stomach a cake inside.

My dad takes out the cake and puts it on the table.

As I look at the cake I see there's a small owl drawn onto it.
I tear up but keep it inside so my dad doesn't see.

Hes slowed down the past two years and rather than building inventions he slowly phocusing more on me and my well beaing after the fight against the emperor.

I shakely spoke once again "Thank you" I said before sitting down making sure I don't lose my balance.

I cut a slice and move it to a small plate grabbing a small fork digging in slowly.

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