6. Tell Me

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Legit I forgot to post this chapter, I already finished Monday morning and I'm only posting now... Bruh

Christmas NOT SPECIAL episode is coming on 24th night
So everyone gets into holiday spirit either that night or next morning after waking up

3RD person Pov:

Luz has been resting for the past 2 days becuse of the interrogation and the teleporting but she was getting better.

It was Saturday (( Luz was kidnapped for 3 days on Monday and add 2 more days

1d rest
2d's rest

Back to the plot
Becuse I even confused myself... ))

So she was bored out of her mind and decided to use the phone eda gave her to do literly anything.

"Hey Eda"

"Sup kid why did ya call"

"I'm dying"

"Gah were im coming right now"

"Of boredom"

"Im starting think you are my long lost daughter from a different realm who is a witch"

"Hahaha no, so what do I doooooo"

"Just go play some game you kids play on your phones consoles or computers"

"What's a console and a computer?"

"Oh right You arent from this realm"


"Oh uhm the computer or Pc is a machine made of parts witch you can use to play games watch Mytoob (youtube) or search for information, make files and so on and Consoles are the same But cheaper witout a lot of pc's features, You know what I'll get ya a Laptop"

"Whats that?"

"Its a portable computer"

"So a big phone?"

"No those are Tablets, Oh customer uhm I'll call you back latter"

"Ok Bye Eda"


And with that the phone call ended and Luz was Even more curious aspecialy about tablets?
Are tablates smaller lap-tops?
She was so interested she decided to check these lap-tops.

'I can't learn about this realm witout looking around'

Luz thought as she got her stuff, put on her beanie and Left Edas house to wonder around the city and see all the other magical things humans had, it was currently 16th of November and she was very curious about how things went around the human realm but of course she encountered boscha and her gang, but other then calling her names they didn't do anything after they heard what happened to boscha's Ex.

She also talked with willow and gus who were just taking photos for a group project and talked about the mysterious witch and out of nowhere she also seen someone, someone with golden hair, someone she didn't like but they seemed to be 'frendly' for now but she kept her distance and that person didn't even relize they were seen.

Meanwhile with Our Villainess.... AMITY

Yes her

Amity woke up early and decided to leave the house as soon as possible because she could finnaly visit her siblings and her 'mother' who she still hates but hey
Her whole family life was in ruins

And she knew that Her 'Mother' was everything but an actual mother figure that cares for her.

She decided to call her personal driver becuse she didn't feel like walking today.

New Worlds And Old Memories (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now