8. 1/3 The Witches

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Ye i hope I have a great idea

This may be cringe

Kinda like my other book idea

The plot started to fast and im going to take this slow

Dont worry.
I'll make every problem slowly add up and make a good plot :D

Emperor Bellos pov: ((belos or bellos?))

I can't stop letting that girl get away every time, even when she's in the human realm I can't get her out of my plans and my nephew is anything but useful.
I should have punished that chilled just like anyone but she's still family.
((don't ask ill explain this cringe later))

No one knows about them, hah... Ha ha ha Im sorry brother but you were destined to die along with our half sister and now that you are both out of picture I can deal with the last problems in my plan.

But how shall I deal with that good for nothing Owl.

Oh I know.

3rd person pov:

As bellos walks down the stairs into his secret chamber with all his forbidden books he starts thinging about what to use.

He has a huge variety of Potions and magic types.

He has a temporary cure for his curse and even can use magic witout issue.

But he never considered he whould need a potion like this.

The potion of the lost.

The name given to it becuse of its effects.
When trapped by the potion the only way someone can escape is if their soul mate finds out their biggest secret kept secret by the most people.

He knows that this potion will make sure the owl girl is someone else's problem and becuse of its rare use not even the owl girl can escape it.

The potion requires
Lava flies
Palistrom wood
Teleportation rune
And an adult zap birds wing

He hits his staff into the ground summoning the zap bird wing and the teleport rune then repeats the action to summon his coven mirror.

"Yes Emperor Bellos?"

"Ah Miss Crystal I'm in need of you doing an assignment"

((black crystal is the only name I got when searching up names for the job she has and after many tries crystal by itself sounded better and kikimora has a different backstory here wait is it a new backstory she dosent have one yet? A new background))

"Which is?"

"I need you to get me 3 lava flies and bring some palisterm wood"

"Lava flies!? Emperor Bellos those flies are even stronger than fire bee's"

"You dare defy my request"

"Of course not Emperor I will complete this assignment and report as soon as possible"

"Good you may start now Miss Crystal"

"I will"

WITH le time skip of 1day
In the human realm:

3rd Person Pov:

As Luz wakes up looking at her late Christmas present from eda.

((you wanna know what it is? Well you won't))

Eda left early so Luz didn't have time to ask but grabbed it just in case so she can test it later but for now she went onto her daily routine around the human city scouting for any action that may happen or crimes that be anything from the golden guard to a pocket thief or assault around the city.

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