13. 1/2 Luzing Hurts The Most

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3rd person pov:

An ominous person was whatching the witchling from a far waiting for the best time to atack

'I won't fail like the golden guard... I won't let him ruin everything for emperor belos I'm his true right hand lady and I will make sure the day of unity goes without a scratch'

The gold and white clothed figure knew she was dealing with a strong witch... Well now weak witch that is...

But she learned to not underestimate anyone not after she almost died to a wild witch who was known as-


"Yes emperor bellos?"

"In the Shadows? I expected more from you Miss Crystal"

"I'm spying out the Luz girl before attacking"

"Don't fail like my nephew did, capture her at once and bring her to the prison chambers and you shall be promoted to by my personal commander understood?"

"Yes Emperor Belos"

A small growl is heard before the feed of the coven communication device is cut off and the mentioned Miss crystal or as most call her crystalclear... Just roll with it ok? Her name is given becuse her missions are always a success and and every command she gives is so simple to understand that even the smallest witch and demonlings could complete it... And becuse she has a magic ability to give commands that almost no one can fail.

The now so called agent or right hand lady of the emperor is getting ready... For her task to capture Luz Noceda... You know the Owl Girl.

"Wait that's how you got here?" "Don't judge! This is my backstory not yours back to the story!" "ok sorry" *cough* "as I was saying...

The crystal guard will call her was stalking down on me... Well the past me.. So it's not technically me..

Ok less confusing talking

Amity just got the hang of riding the staff properly and even learned to land

It was alredy around 11pm and Luz was pretty much half asleep.

"I'll call it quits for tonight alright Luz?"

"....." a faint grown was heard so Amity decided she should help and walked up to Luz the snow crackling and crunching under her foot mostly becuse of small sticks and twigs under, she grabbed onto the witch and helped her up... More like lifted the cold witch up who didn't give any resistance... Which got amity worried a bit becuse it was cold and Luz had been siting in the snow for the past 4 hours ish while amity was getting the hang of the mechanical staff.

"Common you meanie let's get you inside" she started walking towards the light blue collord house.. Which looked like a wreck from the outside.. There was some paint coming of from here and there and the window on the second floor was boarded up.

Amity new The Owl lady or eda as Luz calls her has some.... Interesting.. Hobbies like mixing.. Chemicals which amity didn't trust a bit as she was walking Luz towards the front door she heard something pull up... A snowmobile? A green one at that with 2 figures on it in a white uniform with black stripes and a black one with white stripes and to go with that 2 helmets using the same style.

"Hey mittens! Who's that?~"

One of them called out with a devilish somewhat high pitch voice

"Emira what are you doing here?"

"You forgot me sis~" said another one but with a slightly just slightly deeper voice"

"Ah yes the 2 kids in a grownups bodies"
Said the somewhat greenhaired girl not even bothering to look over trying to move Luz who was getting heavier as amitys hands started to get red and somewhat purple, the blood circulation was stopped at once... And... She droped Luz.

"No Luz ah my hands" the twins took their helmets off showing of their dark green colored hair... "Uuuu that's the Luz you keep talking about and she lives with eda? She's already toooooo cool for you common em let's get her up" said the 19year old boy? Guy? and walked up to the witch who was... Resting in the snow, or was trying but that didnt last long as the boy picked the witch up and waved his hand over to his twin sister still on the snowmobile who quickly jumped over grabbing their Littles sister hand rushing her inside.

"Hey mittens what's whith your girlfriends ears?"

"She's not my girlfriend" said amity trying to avoid the teasing "No she's not Ed im picking up this cutie" said the dark green haired girl looking over to her twin brother who shook his head "Common em we got lovers and you know how amity can be when she loses something" the shorter girl was giving her older siblings a glare... A glare that could kill... I said could becuse... Let's keep this all aged alright? No mature stuff alowed in my presence.

Enought breaking the 4th wall

Amity was trying her best to answer the twins questions as vaguely as possible trying to keep her 'frends' identity hidden... For now.

"Hey kid got your girlfriend prepared to prot... Ah Ed and Em the 2 trouble makers who never fail to surprise me and oh GOD!" yelled the tall Roxy lady in her 40's as she ran to her soon to be adopted daughter who was unconscious "Which one of you hurt my soon to be daughter?!" all three siblings gave each other a look before Ed and Em pointed towards Amity "Her girlfriend? Got it" and at that moment amity was red and mostly mad...

((remember the lost in language episode were amity almost passed out becuse she was mad? and ed Also copied her? Now this time she passed out for real))

"Eda you killed our sister!" said Ed as he looked at his sister who was so red you could look at anything in our known universe but nothing whould match the amount of red her face had, her face was at least 5-7 shades red.

"Nope but she's kinda gay to be honest"

And whith that amity went limp... She passed out of anger...
"Ooh Ed look mittens got herself a new record she passed out of anger after just 2 sentences!" Yelled Emira.

((if you somehow never watched the show... Ed-edric em-emira, keep reading))

"Don't mention this to her girlfriend tho"
As the owl lady said that they started laughing... Slowly amity was moved onto the sofa while Luz was on the couch both unconscious "Alright you 2 come help me with this new experiment I have in mind said eda after placing a hot towel on her soon to be step daughters head, the twins nodding like two little puppies who just got asked if they wanted to play.

As they all walked into the basement and the door closed the door was slammed open... The front door I mean.
There she was.. Miss Crystal... She casted a zap spell and immediately was in front of luz.
"So you are the famous Luz noceda? I did want to fight you but... I whould win aspecialy while you are in this state... It's Great to finally meat the person who will get me a higher rank it was nice meeting you Luz Noceda" the figure grabbed the hand of the unconscious witch and imidiatly used a teleportation spell with their mechanic staff... Tho it wasent just any mechanical staff they had, Agent crystal to say the least had to visit another dimension so the emperor himself droped a single drop of titans blood onto the staff the last drop he had so the portal door was vulnerable.

A light filled the entire room and suddenly the witchling was nowhere to be found neither was the ominous right hand lady of the emperor.

TO Be continued... Well it is continued... Just scroll to the next chapter

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