23. Between Worlds (1/2) pt1

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Emperor Belos Pov:

I sit on my throne and remember...

The past... And suddenly I hear him again so I begin to chat.

'Hello again brother.... Philip...'

'Philip.... You didn't know that I wasn't truly your brother...'

'I was never a witch like Camilla never a human like you.... I was nothing... I was fabricated for the purpose of filling in a role.'

'Our parent... 'my creators' just wanted me to not fail where you whould.....'

'I know... I know that you never wanted this...'

'Yes you wanted to return to the human realm...'

'But you couldn't... It was all my fault...'

'I stole the portal door.'

'I hid it from you..'

'I hated both you and Camila all my life.'

'We never were true family.... Not even our parents were connected to any of us...'

'Yes you are right but...'

'No I understand I still can't do that... No ill try my best.'

'I will find them...'

'Both her and her sister....'

'They thought I whouldnt know Luz was the only one...'

'You were surprised as well im sure of it philip but belive me I couldn't do anything..'

'She dosent even know about her powers like the other one does...'

'Two annoying children....'

'The last of the family...'

'Once they are gone the name will disappear forever.'

'A witch a human and two children.'

'Almost like us am I right?'

'It was a witch a human and... Me...'

'You were smart and could use magic whitout powers...'

'Camila was cunning and rebellious...'

'I just existed....'

I look at the staff in my right hand... And I know what I must do.

One week and the only thing stopping from taking over the human realm will not be a barrier any longer.

I can finnaly find both of them.

The nocedas are the last....

'right Philip?'


'.... Philip.... Do you think I regret my decision?'

'truth to be told... You are the only one I didn't hate in the...'family' but you just had to ruin it'

'You were alredy over 17...Camila not far behind... Why did our parents even take us in?'

'we weren't roommates... We were actually treated like kids... We.... It was never a we was it? It was you Camila and that 'thing' as they used to say when they were talking about me'

I have a feeling he's still listening... Listening from his grave...

He never responds to me but I feel his presence... I know what he wants to say...

Hes always watching horrified of my actions.. But he knows he wasn't any better...

He knows what he did... Why they disappeared... He brought them along for safety but in the end both of them were bait... He waited... He wanted to do that for many years he just needed to grow old enough to not be connected to them....

He didn't take Camila becuse they were on good terms...

He didn't take 'Him' either becuse he knew that Camila whould be horrified.

Yet when both Philip and they disappeared he knew that he and Camila were next... He knew about Luz but probably never told her... She never knew about Luz

Camila stayed behind with Luz while he took his leave... I guess he thought that because her ears were human he could hide well...

Hes gone now... Miss Crystal took care of him before capturing the owl girl... Now only 2 people are left from the family.

A half witch and a half human... Tho miss Crystal couldn't find her I know she's out there and if she ever gets her chance to sabotage me... She won't be able to do it alone.... She doesn't know how magic works does she?

You never told her Alex.... You kept it from her...

The last Nocedas.

Lilith Pov:

I walk back inside for the last box... Edalyn wasn't joking when she said she has a lot of stuff...

And the last box contains a small box with a note.

'Hey lily...

If you are reading this I probably went away... The kid still hasn't defeated the emperor and she never opened the letter I gave her.. If she ever needs helps use this


I slowly open the box to see a red bat in it... Isn't this the bat she used back in high school? When I was bullied she whould run up to the bullies with a bat in hand and say 'you messed with my family and you will regret it'

She wants me to help Luz when the time comes dosent she?

This emperor guy must be really evil if Edalyn has been Preparing so harshly... She never told me she thought against him so she must not know who she is... But she definitely knows he's up to no good..

Her red bat represented 3 things...


She whould use it when her family was threatened she used it when her frends were threatened and she handed it to someone as a sign of trust...

Oh Edalyn how ill miss you.

901 words... Damn kinda short I know but the second part is coming soon I wrote this in a hurry

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