24. Of A War (2/2)

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Ok I'm taking it back we won't get 28 chapters just 25... Mostly becuse im free this week so I have plenty of time to make both chapter 24 and 25 pretty long (ch 25 will be 10k words aka 10.000)

And.... Second book is coming after specials

*cut Part was here*

Im rambling...

So ye...

Chapter 23-24

On the Brink of A war

And chapter 25...

Ye... Making this story was such a journey... Going back to the first chapter feels like I'm shooting myself with the Grammer... It was... Not the best to be clear.. I had to correct a lot of it.. It still feels dumb

Also also this story will be put onto Ao3? I heard people post stuff there once... Ao3 sends me an invite.... I need to get inviteted!?... Delays on that

Edit on that. Still not on AO3 will move it at some point.

So go search it up... After.. Chapter 25ish

I gues that's it!

Chapter 24


Luz Pov:

As we are driving thru the city I start to remember everything that has happened in the past couple months... I arrived in the start of October... Got kidnapped... Then school closed for a while... Then i was sent to another realm, was fighting with goldy and... Even met Amity and the others.. It's... Almost 4 full months...soon its the end of January... I had so much fun and action in the human realm... I have to go back... But hunter told me raine helped him capture me.. Not even my relatives can be trusted... I could stay here... Defend the human realm... The city, Amity Gus Willow and everyone else as well.

And as we are driving we go by a bitter bean blood shop... I remember when I acidently spilled amity's when we first met... And then that wierd tall guy who was going to atack me..

We finnaly stop just a bit outside of the city right in front of a pretty big house nothing out of ordinary.. It's around the size of Eda's... It's color choice is a mixture of dark blue and dark gray whith a bit of black and white here and there... It has a balcony right on top of the kitchen... And so on we slowly start going towards the room humans keep their cars in and the huge door automatically opens.

Lilith slows down the car as we finnaly reach the inside..

The Door behind us closes and I get out of the car.

Lilith getting out as well.

"Unidentified Lifeform detected, Identified Lilith. Welcome home"

A sounds echoes thru the house and I look at lilith who is not even fazed by the voice. But I think she knew I was going to ask questions.

"It's an ai don't worry about it"


"Hey imagine an ai name like siri or Alexa could you explain to Luz what you are, also explain what an ai is."

Lilith starts walking toward a door and I take some time to look around the room were we stopped.

Kind of like Mr Aladors Lab it was full of tools like hamers screw driver and other simple tools while also having some I don't recognize easily.

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