26. Battle Of The Century

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Emperor Belos chuckles at the team of misfits grabbing his staff which opens up.

Sofia coughs a little while the emperor whitout problem keeps a menacing tone off voice and speaks up once again.

"You have been quite a torn in my side Luz Noceda"

Everyone prepares their staffs and glyphs the emperor laughing.

"So you also know about the symbols Philip used? Perhaps you made some up yourself... Tho you know I expected a lot from you and prepared for everything"

His staff starts glowing red and Slowly the ground shakes before the entire building is lifted up into the air and starts floating towards the forest.

Some pipes falling out to the ground luckily not hiting anyone.

The glow dissappears and the building falls a couple meeters/feet to the ground the emperor not flinching at all.

The others including Luz and Sofia Did stumble quite a lot. Luz grips the key that is handing from her neck to make sure it dosent fall off.

"Why don't we make this fair?"

Hes body melts before reappearing right next to the portal just outside the entrance of the building.

His fist slams down onto the panel before the portal stops glowing.

He turns around.

"Now it's a fair fight"

Luz launches herself forward alongside hunter and sky but the others? They try to use the glyphs but they don't work anymore each of them fading into thin air.

Luz relizes what happened.. The portal belos opened was big enough for magic to flow thru to the human realm... Maybe glyphs don't normally work here?

Exept Sofia who slowly gets up her, her grip on the staff in her hand a bit stronger.

She dosent know when she got the staff.. Maybe it was that demon thing that possessed her?

She without hesitation tries to swing it, rotate it and other maneuvers to try to get it to work.

Amity not wanting Luz to get hurt grabs the staff from sofia quickly running outside while others exept Alador watch.

Alador lowers the exo skeletons arm just enough so Amity can step onto it before he quickly launches her a bit upwords.

He himself runs towards belos who is currently fighting the three witches.

Luz casts a fireball that the emperor stops by an ice wall which slowly melts becuse of the heat, Sky sends a couple wines towards him which he one handedly slices as his arm slowly turns into gu.

Hunter not knowing of anything that could seriously harm the emperor summons... A Giraffe.

Luz from fooling around on the human internet and sky from going to the zoo both know that giraffes aren't as evil as they were in the boiling isles.

The emperor does flinch seeing the creature but ultimately summons some form of a monster hand that grabs onto the Giraffe locking it in place.

He then summons an oricle ghost that launches towards hunter.

But before it could hit Amity arrives down with a shield made of purple slime like material?

The shield deforms into goop again which she turns into a sword a goes for an atack, the emperor blocks it with the armor on his left arm while holding the staff in his right.

His left finger glows and Amity is launches back.

Luz takes this as an opportunity to atack with a plantabomination which is no match for the emperor.

Sky and hunter summon 2 different spells hunter summoning think ice which blocks the emperor from seeing a fireball that is burning right thru

They all attack and he gets knocked back a bit, Luz using her staff hits he's staff to the ground holding her own towards him like a sword.

"Give up alredy"

"You wish" he shoots a wine out that grabs onto both amity's and hunters mechanical staffs both cracking then getting destroyed into pieces.

"Now the playing field is even more leveled don't you agree? It's foolish of you to think you can beat me"

He grabs onto luz's staff that's in front of him and swings her to the side as she hits a tree with a good amount of force.

Sky tries to atack him but he ultimately owerpowers her.

He looks at Luz and brings her close with a levitation spell he ripes the key off the tread keeping it around her kneck.

He summons the portal door and uses a fireball to destroy it.

Luz gets a grip and tries to summon something but can't... Her body almost goes limp.

Most feel like she will Lose including herself.

He opens a portal "You see I was never a witch so the dimension witches keep their items? It was a world I created"

He opens it trowing Luz thru, he chuckles as the portal closes he dosent pay attention and soon a shot is heard.

He looks around to see lilith behind him with her gun.

He grips his chest feeling cold. He kneels down putting his hand to the hole in his chest "PATHETIC" he says quietly, hits the gun out of Lilith's hand and starts laughing without no signs of trying to stop before he falls to the ground.

Luz is gone.... Maybe not yet.

They try and try

Sky using her staff trying to open a portal. But she can't open the right one.

Days go by

They all stay up not sleeping even a bit knowing full well Luz could still be alive.

They read books, re activate the huge portal built by belos.

Weeks go by

Amity is restless just like everyone else.

They arrest the coven heads and look for answers.

They visit the boiling isles library surprised of the fact that Amity knows her way around.

Lilith calls eda who responds whitout a word.

"He's gone" she calls out to her sister.

No response.

"Goodbye sister"

Thats all that is heard.
Lilith ends the call.

Months go bye

most don't want to give up.

But they have to.. Adventually... Becuse...

Nothing works...

To be Continued

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