Chapter 11✓

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~Behind his smile is a hurting heart, behind his laugh he is falling apart~


      "Kookie... everything... is okay?" the pale woman manage to asks the curvy haired-boy, and he nods instantly with a smile on his face- even if it is again just a fake one. 

    No, nothing is good. He was fired. His boss said he could no longer get over that he was missed again yesterday. Even though Hoseok explained the situation to him, even though he told him that Jungkook was in the hospital yesterday, the man did not say anything else, but he left. Not before to demands Jungkook to left as well. So he lost his work place. And if that hadn't already been too bad for him, his drawing teacher told him he was in danger of being left out from his class, because he had also been missing far too many times. So yeah, nothing is good. But he can not tell his mother all of these.

      "Of course, mom. Everything is fine. You don't have to worry." he lies then touch her hand softly. "You should get some rest, you must to be tired." he says after then refrains himself from crying because hell, his mother looks even worse than last time when he saw her.

     "Yeah, I am... I am a little tired, but I want to... see your beautiful face awhile." she reply and Jungkook's heart bows in pain.

      "I will be here when you wake up. So you can get some sleep." he assures her and the woman approves, then she struggles to smile. 

      "I am so lucky to have a son like you." she whispers then close her eyes, while Jungkook tries his best to be as strong as he can, at least until he will be out from this room.

     When he realizes that the woman is already asleep, he gets up from his chair and kisses her forehead softly, then subtly leaves the room. His mother's doctor told him that she was waiting for him in the office because there was something to talk to him about. And that scares him. Because after seeing his mother's condition, there can be nothing good. But still he hopes ...

     "Can I come in, Mr. Kim?" the boy with the curly hair asks, after knocking subtly on the cabinet door.

     "Yeah, come in, Jungkook."  the man behind the door immediately answers and the boy enters in the cabinet.

     "Umm... something happened?" the curvy haired-boy asks, feeling his hands sweaty already. 

    The man with the badge on his name, Jin, nods, then takes a deep breath. Even if he really loves his job, he hates to do something though. To give bad news to relatives of some patients. Even to this day, he has not been able to get used to the sad faces and tears of his dear patients or of their relatives. But he has to do that too.

     "Take a sit, Jungkook. We must to talk." Jin suggests then the younger one sits on a chair. 

      "It is... something really bad?" he manage to ask even if he already knows the answer. 

     The doctor sighs and then puts the glasses on his nose better. 

      "We talked about this a few times before. It's about your mother's discharge, Jungkook. "Jin explains and the other only looks blankly, swallowing in sec.

     "And I already told you that I do not agree. I pay for all the expenses, so this should not be a problem." the younger one reply in a serious voice, trying to look as relaxed as possible.

     The doctor takes his glasses and places them on the desk in front of him, then looks at the boy with compassionate in the eyes. He knows. He knows how much pain it must be for him.

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