Chapter 24✓

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       ~I'm so used to being hurt, I have no idea what it's like to be loved. ~


       "Please, please, please! I really want to go at the cinema today!" the little boy asks his father, then he makes a cute face of the rainy puppy.

      Taehyung rolls his eyes, and Jungkook just giggles at the cute behavior. It's Sunday, and that means Taehyung is free all day. No work, no hundreds of files or meetings with other businessmen. Only him, his son and Jungkook. Sounds hell good for him.

     "Come on, Tae. Let's go and watch a movie, if the angel wants. " Jungkook says in his turn then gently strokes Yoonhyo's hair, while the little boy smiles, victoriously-he already knows that if he Jungkook is on his side, then the battle is already won.

     The CEO looks at them amused, with a soft smile on his face. He was going to go to the movies anyway, if Yoonhyo wanted it, but he wanted to hear his boyfriend too. He loves when the bunny boy calls him "Tae". The first time he heard it, about three days ago, he felt like Jungkook is even cuter than before. So yes, he takes advantage of every opportunity to hear this nickname.

     "Jungkookie, you spoil him too much! " the big one pretends indignantly, but is actually joking, then the curvy haired-boy shrugs, then winks at the little boy.

    "He is cuter than you, not my fault." the bunny boy jokes at his turn, and Yoonhyo stick out his tongue and shows to his father.

     "Dad, I thought you already understood Kookie would always be by my side, not yours. " the little one replies proudly, then the lovers start laughing at the same time.

     "Yeah, you have right. I should have understood that by now. " Taehung says then looks at his son. "So what movie do you want to see? " he asks again and the little boy begins to smile and claps his hands, happy for his victory. 

     "I heard it's a new animated film with "Lightning Mcqueen". I really want to see this! " he answers enthusiastically, and Jungkook only looks him with a big smile on his face.

     "Then we'll look at that. Now go and change, we will wait for you. "the bunny boy reply and Yoonhyo nods instantly, then runs up the stairs to his room.

     "I think he likes you more than he likes me." Taehyung says later, and the other smiles.

     "What can I say? It's very easy for everyone to like me. " Jungkook jokes and the other giggles subtly, then takes a few steps closer to the bunny boy. 

      "I can't contradict you here. " Taehyung says and then puts his right hand on the young one s cheek, and the younger boy moves his glance at the floor.

      "Tae, stop. Yoonhyo can see us!" the bunny boy whispers, as he turns red, then he tries to move away from Taehyung, but the other gets even closer to him.

      It's not like Yoonhyo won't find out about their relationship. They've only been together for a few days, but they've both thought about how to tell Yoonhyo that. Taehyung said he would not react badly, on the contrary that he would be happy, but Jungkook did not want to hurry. He said he wanted to find a perfect time. What if he says he doesn't want anyone else in his life besides Taehyung? What if he says it's wrong for two men to be together? That's why he doesn't want to hurry, he wants to spend some more time with him.

    "Don't worry, it always takes time to finish dressing. " Taehyung's thick voice takes Jungkook out of his thoughts, and before their lips meet, the bunny boy's phone rings.

     The younger boy refrains from laughing when he sees his boyfriend's irritated face, then takes two steps back and takes the phone out of his pocket. He answers the call, while Taehyung rolls his eyes. Why this stupid phone had to ring in a moment like that?

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