Chapter 40✓

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~Keep your eyes open for me darling, Let me hear your beautiful voice~


    "What? Operation? Right now?" Taehyung asks, voice trembling because of worry, looking intently at his brother-in-law. 

     "Yeah, Tae. we need to stop his tumor. It is much more advanced than we would have thought." Jin answers, looking over some files. "The last time I checked it, a few days ago, everything was ... acceptable. But due to stress and certain external factors, the disease has progressed extremely fast and far too much. So we need to stop it somehow, as fast as we can." the older one continues, while Taehyung looks at the floor. 

     "But how the hell can this happen in such a short time? "

      "Cancer is sometimes unpredictable. It depends on the body of each person how long it takes. If we could have started treatment first, we would have done it. But once the disease is past the first stage, it is best to start removing the tumor a little." the doctor explains, and the younger one nods, trying to understand all what he heard. 

      "And how... How you will do the operation? Is... is safe, right?" the CEO asks, hands sweaty and heart beating like he is at a marathon. 

      "The operation will take place on the brain. We will have to cut his hair first so that do not get tangled during the operation. Then we'll give him some strong injections to put him to sleep. And how safe it is ... brain and heart surgery are among the most dangerous, to be honest. One wrong move, and ... But we'll try to do succeed with at all costs, Tae." the older one says, while the other one wipes away a few tears from his left cheek. 

     "And if... and if he will not do this operation?" the younger one asks, trying to see if there is other option as well. 

     "It's just going to get worse, the pain is going to get harder and harder to bare, until ... Well, you understand what I mean." the older one comments, then takes a deep breath. "But we still need his accord or the accord of a close relative of his, otherwise we can not start the surgery." he says after and the blue eyed-man glance at him. 

     "I can sign in his place? His parents are dead and... if this the only way, he must to do it." Taehyung replies, heart still pouting way too faster because of the pain, while the older one looks at him with compassionate eyes.

     "I guess you can do this. He is still unconscious so he can not sigh anyway." the older one says and the younger one just sighs. "You can go to see him before the surgery if you want. I will bring the document that you need to sign, then we will start to prepare for the operation." the doctor comments after and Taehyung just nods. 

     He goes out from the office, pointing his feet towards his lover. A news like this can destroy your all balance from life. Can break all of your trust and confidence in "everything will be ok. Jungkook needs to do a surgery which can be deadly for him. This kind of risks can end someone's life. And Taehyung can't really say if he's ready to take that risk, but he has no choice. He can't wait until his angel begins to die slowly and painfully because of this stupid disease. In life we ​​have to make much harder choices than we would like. Sometimes we are faced with the accomplished fact, where we have to choose which path to take. And even if we don't want to, even if we try to go straight ahead, on a straight path, at some point we will come across a crossroads, and we will be forced to choose. 

     "My beautiful angel." the CEO whispers as he enters Jungkook's room, then approaches him.

     He takes after a sit on the chair next to the other ones hospital bed, looking intently as his lover, while a single tear escapes from his left eye. His heart stings, his soul screams, but a weakly smile appears on his face. 

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