Chapter 27✓

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~In the middle of the night, there was a scared boy. All he wanted was love, but all he received was pain~


     "Jungkook, you are serious?" Hoseok asks his friend, while the other one just looks at the table, trying his best to not breakdown again.

      "You really think that I can joke about this?" he asks in return, then sighs. "Yeah, my mom... can go far away in every moment." he admits, feeling his heart aching harder and harder, even more than before.

     "Kook... I'm... I'm fucking sorry. I know how much you love her." the older one says, feeling his heart aching at the sight of his best friend.

      The younger one just smiles a little, because yeah, there is not point for him to cry again, at least not now, when his friend is with him, or when they are both on a restaurant.

      "I already knew this in my soul, but I guess I just... tried to ignore this thought. I always saw how hard is for her even to breath or to talk and I... i was just there like a outsider, without having the power to do something more for her, to help somehow. And now-"

     He stops then closes his eyes for a few seconds. He is tired. He is fucking tired. And physically, but mostly mentally.

     Last night when he ran at the place that Taehyung showed him, he wanted to be alone, he wanted to have some time to think. But he didn't knew Taehyung searched him— his phone was closed— and when he saw him, the urge to cry even harder pressed the shit out of him, and yeah, he gave up, leaving the other one to see how pathetic and weak he can be.

     It was somehow good though. That he was there, with Jungkook, at his weakness, when he felt like the world stopped. He remembers all of the older one's words.

"If I could take all your pain on me, believe me I would do it without thinking. "

     And yeah, Jungkook knows the CEO didn't lied. He knows very well how caring and nice his boyfriend can be. He knows Taehyung will take his pain in any second, if he would be able.

"But unfortunately I can't. I can't take your pain or to save your mother, but I can be here with you, next to you. I can offer you my shoulders, always when you want to cry, to kiss your every tear and to remind you how much you did for your mother."


       Jungkook knows this as well. He can bet Taehyung will be there when his mother... will be gone, too far away. He can swear the older one will let him to cry as much as he will want, without caring about other things.

I will be here to whisper soft words that will try to calm your heart and warm your soul. That's the only thing I can do, love.

      And maybe Taehyung told those things as is not a big deal, like he will not be helpful at all. But for Jungkook, means a lot. But to knows that, there is someone who truly cares about you, who truly loves you at your worse, at your breakdowns, is really something... that warms your heart.

     But even if help Jungkook a little, this doesn't mean he can forget about the others thoughts as well.

"What are you talking about, angel? You are not a jinx, because you do not bring bad luck and sadness, you bring luck and joy wherever you go. Your parents are probably more than proud to have a son like you. I don't want to hear you thinking like that anymore, ok love?"

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