Chapter 26✓

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    ~When the pain in the soul is too big, the heart withdraws, being covered by darkness~


    "No, no, this can not be true." the curvy haired-boy whispers, face pale, while he starts to tremble. 

     "Mr. Jungkook, I am sorry, but is true." the doctor says, trying his best to look as professional as he can- kinda difficult, because the bunny boy s tears are really hard to ignore.

      "Wh- What do you mean... My mom is at the edge to die? This... this can not be true! She was fine! She... She will be fine!" he revolts again, being sure that all this bullish is just a bad joke, nothing more. 

     Because his mother is fine! Yes, he noticed that in recent days she did not look so good, or that she could barely speak. He also saw that the woman's skin became even paler than usual, but that ... that can't mean she'll ... No! This is not possible. His mother will be fine, she has to be fine. She fought so long, she has to succeed. She must be healed, she must overcome the disease. The cancer can't take her down. Not! All her pain, all her despair and tears, cannot be in vain.

    Jin sighs deeply, and realizes that Taehyung has failed to tell Jungkook about his mother. He probably didn't have the courage, and he doesn't blame him though. He knows better than anyone how hard it is to tell someone such a bad news, and in the case of his brother-in-law it is even harder, because he is emotionally involved. That's why he can't blame him. And he's sorry he has to tell Jungkook that, but he can't wait for Mrs. Jeon to die. It is his duty as a doctor to inform patients at such a time. He can't hide such a thing from him, especially since the woman's medical reports are getting worse.

      "Jungkook." the older one calls the other name, then looks at him, as regretful as before. "I told you even when we wanted to disconnect it from the device, the condition is not good at all. You also knew, in the depths of your soul, that this moment would come at last. Patients with this disease suffer more while they are alive than when they go to the other world. " he continues and the younger one looks at him more intently, with eyes full of tears.

      "Wha- What do you mean?" the boy's voice trembles, as he tries to figure out if this is really happening, or if it is just a nightmare of his own.

     "Do you have any idea how much pain your mother is going through right now? " he asks as the other listens to him, feeling his heart aching really hard, as a knife play with her. "Jungkook, even if we know about other in other circumstances as well, but I'm a doctor in the first place, that's why it's my duty to inform you everything about your mother, even if are not good news. Her condition is not good at all, Jungkook. My advice would be to unplug her, this way it won't die of pain. We can get rid of her suffering, Jungkook. " he finishes and the younger one becomes silent a few seconds.

      So could his mother escape from suffering in this way? The only way she can stop suffering is to die? To be disconnected from the devices?

     "There must ... there must be another way. Please, I ... I'll do anything, please, save her. " he tries again, and Jin looks at him with even more compassion, even if he tries to seem indifferent.

     "We have dark days in life, and some better days. We have to welcome them all with open arms. The sad events make you stronger, Jungkook, even if at first it just seem to throw you into the abyss too deep. Now is the time to be strong, to make a decision that will save your mother from suffering even more. I know it's hard to hear that, but there's no chance to escape for her. Then why don't you try to help her somehow?"he finishes and the other one remains silent for the moment, then moves his glance at the floor.

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