chapter 03

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Nora stood next to her, explaining what they had gone through in the past few months while signing to keep Harley in the loop,

"We've been a part of a few groups. They've all been over run, whether by people or by the dead.  We were always the last ones standing." Nora said,

They all nodded. They've heard stories like that before from others they found on the road, those they've found alone.

They glanced at each other before the older man, Hershel, spoke, "How many walkers have you killed?"

Harley signed to her before Nora answered, "Countless."

"How many people have you killed?" Both girls turned towards each other, pausing to count in their heads,

Nora turned back to them, "I've killed three. She's killed six."


"I've killed one out of protection. The others were mercy kills. They were dying, I killed them before they could turn." Nora explained before turning to Harley, who explained her kills, "Uh, she's killed three people to protect herself and the others were mercy kills, too. They were bit."

The older man nodded, "My daughter, Maggie, will show you to your cells until we decide."

Nora nodded, playing with the ring that hung around her neck, "Thank you for your consideration."

A brunette girl stood in the doorway, "C'mon, I'll show you the way."

Harley felt naked without her weapons, vulnerable. She was lucky they didn't find her Swiss army knife in her bra when doing the pat down.

"I'm Maggie." The brunette said,

"I'm Nora, that's Harley. She's deaf so if you want to speak with her, you have to make sure she can see your face." Nora explained,

"Good to know." Maggie nodded,

They walked down the dark corridor before stopping in front of a door, "Here we are. You'll be in solitary only for a day or so until we decide if you can stay or not. There's food and water in there for ya."

She opened the door and Harley gulped, "I know, it's bit dark and creepy. It's just some precautions. Bringing strangers back to camp, you have to be careful, ya know?"

Nora nodded, "Thank you."

Harley took a step back and Nora grabbed her hand, "She has a thing about the dark."

"There's a lantern in there. Won't be for long, I promise." Maggie told the redhead.

Harlow nodded before Nora led them in there and Maggie shut the door and locked it. 

"Really? Keeping us in a cage?"

Nora sighed, "She said it won't be for long." She tossed her a granola bar, "We have food, water, and shelter. More than we've had in a while."

The two sat in the small cell for what seemed like days. Luckily, the group had left a few books inside to keep them entertained.

It was morning when the door to their solitary cell opened. Maggie and Hershel stood on the other side, greeting them with a smile.

Nora stood and grabbed her bag, Harley following.

"We'll show you where you can put your stuff." Hershel told them, "You can room together or separately, up to you."

"Together, please." Nora replied, "I'm assuming we get bunk beds."

"You assume right." Hershel smirked as they came upon the D block and led them inside.

Inside, there were people. Kids running around, playing. Adults laughing. They weren't surviving...  they were living.

Harley tapped Nora's arm, "There are kids."

Nora smiled and wrapped her arms around the redhead. Maggie led them to an empty cell, "And here's where you will be staying. Most people put up sheets for privacy. We'll give you guys a few days to settle in. Follow the signs for the showers and food is outside under the hut, can't miss it. Uh, we also left some stuff to get you guys started."

"Thank you, really." Nora told her,

"Thank you." Harley signed,

"She said thank you." Nora translated for Maggie,

"Oh, how do you say 'you're welcome'?" Maggie asked,

"Same way you say thank you." Nora explained before placing her hand to her chin and bringing it out, "Kinda like how ciao is both hello and goodbye."

Maggie nodded before signing 'you're welcome' to Harley. Harley nodded and smiled before moving to put her bag on the bed.

"We'll leave you to get settled." Hershel said before the two left.

Harley ran her fingers over the cotton towels that were folded neatly on the beds. They even left them some clean clothes for them to change into.

Nora let out a short whistle and Harley turned towards her, "Shower?"

"Yes, please."

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