chapter 21

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If they were exposed, it didn't feel right to be inside the cell block. Not with Judith in there.

When the door opened, Nora stood and watched Daryl approached them. Well, Harley. He grabbed her face and began examining her, feeling her forehead, "Are you okay? Coughing? Sneezing?" She watched his lips before shaking her head. Daryl removed his hands and began signing, "I want you to pack a bag and go to the cabin."

"Why?" Harley asked,

"We've all been exposed. I don't want you getting sick." Daryl reasoned,

"But I've already been exposed. What's the point in quarantining myself?" She questioned,

"If you're not feeling sick, there's a chance you might not have it. If you stay here, you will get sick. I'm not taking the chance." He signed, "I'm not joking here, Harley. Promise me you'll go to the cabin and stay there until I come and get you."

Nora stepped forward, "There's too many walkers out there, Daryl. She won't be able to get past the gates without being surrounded."

Daryl moved his gaze towards the fences, watching as the walkers pressed up agains the chain links. She was right, there was no way she could leave.

They were stuck. 

"Rick! Daryl!" Maggie called out from near the fences.

The fences were collapsing. The four of them sprinted towards the gate, grabbing the weapons hanging on the fence and began stabbing the walkers that were piling up.

"The noise drew 'em out and now this part's starting to give!"

Glenn, Sasha, and Tyresse joined them, but it wasn't enough. Nora rushed down further towards a free area of the fence and began whistling, tapping the metal to make noise and get the walkers attention. They needed to spread them out.

"C'mon!" She yelled, stabbing any of the walkers that came near. She slipped a little and Rick grabbed her to keep her from falling, "Thanks." She blew the hair from her face before looking down, "Rick..." There were rat corpses. But... only half of them, "Is someone feeding these things?"

"Heads up!" Daryl yelled as the fence began to fall.

They kept stabbing, but the dead walkers piled up on it, giving more dead weight, "It's gonna give! It's gonna give!"

Everyone pressed against it, careful of their fingers. Harley watched in horror as a walker's rotting skull began to split along the wire.

But it was too much weight. They couldn't hold it.

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