chapter 19

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She was feeding the baby some oatmeal, as they were trying to wean her off formula. It was hard to find these days, and the earlier they can get her to eat solid food, the better.

She watched as Carl approached his dad and the two stared into the pig pen.

Harlow sat down next to her and smiled at the child. She poked her tummy before signing 'Good morning, Judith'. They were also trying to teach her baby sign language.

Daryl and Carol walked by, the hunter pausing just for a quick second to mess with her hair. Harley pushed him away with a smile and watch him continue on his way. He glanced back to smirk at her before paying attention to what Carol was talking about.

Nora set the bowl down and signed, "You're going on the run later?"

Harley nodded, "You?"

"Yes. Just got to finish with Judith first and give her to Beth." Nora answered, "I see you and Daryl are doing well."

"He's a good man." Harlow replied.

"That he is."

"So is Rick." Nora glanced up at Harley's face to see the grin on her lips before rolling her eyes,

Daryl let out a sharp whistle to gain the attention of Harley. He motioned to hurry up and the women stood, Nora balancing Judith on her hip, "Don't leave without me." She signed before going to find Beth,

Harley nodded before going over to the cars that the group were preparing for the run.

A sharp whistle caught her attention and she turned in time for Daryl to toss a bulletproof vest towards her. She caught it and stared at it for a moment before tucking it under her arm and signing, "Really?"

Daryl took the vest from her arm and placed it over Harley's head, "You're not coming unless you wear it." He signed,

Harley rolled her eyes and held out her arms as he straightened it and tightened the straps. The redneck quickly checked to make sure she had her earplugs around her neck before squeezing her upper arms and moving to his bike to finish prepping.

The redhead moved over to the car to put the packs inside and Sasha smirked at her, "Cute".

"Shut up."

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