chapter 34

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She stayed next to Carl, just enjoying being with her family. Rick looked back at them every once in a while, a small smile on his face.

The group took breaks infrequently. Rick wanted to put as much space between them and Terminus as possible, especially since the smoke attracted walkers like crazy.

Harley stayed close to Daryl, the both of them not wanting to be far away from the other in case something happened.

She was exhausted. Both mentally and physically. Harley couldn't even remember the last time she had a decent night's rest. Probably since the prison.

Even at night, Harley didn't leave Daryl's side. He would take watch on the edge of camp, and she slept right next to him.

He heard a branch break to his right, and he quickly stood, keeping Harley's sleeping, clueless form behind him.

"'s nothin'." Daryl told Carol after a moment.

But the next morning, he went to search for the source of the noise, wether it be a walker, an animal, or a person. He told Harley to stay with the group, so he could keep his focus on the task at hand.

Nora gave her friend a comforting smile as the redhead watched him go. She quickly tapped Harley's shoulder before signing, "Let's go." And they continued on their way.

About an hour later, he returned with some squirrels hanging on a rope. Daryl had startled the group, causing all of them to aim their guns at him, "We surrender." He joked.

He went to the front of the pack to speak with Rick. The two women watched them converse before the both stepped away. Daryl walked back to reach Harley while Rick was telling the others to keep close.

"You good?" Rick asked Nora as she passed him, his eyes moving down to his daughter in her arms,

Nora nodded, giving him a small smile, "No complaints here."

Suddenly, there was a loud cry coming from the distance. Someone was calling for help.

Everyone stayed still, but Carl turned to his father, "Dad, come on." He begged, "Come on!"

Without waiting for Rick, Carl took off towards the source of the noise. The group ran after him, with Nora in the back so she wouldn't jostle Judith too much.

They came across a man on top of a boulder, with multiple walkers reaching for him. Carl was the first there, using his gun to shoot one of the walkers.

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