chapter 08

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"Hey." She smirked as Daryl walked in,

"Hey." He held up a pair of boots, "Brought her some new shoes."

"She'll like those." Nora smiled, "Oh, here." She grabbed an ASL book and tossed it towards him, "That'll get you started. We can meet up on watch tomorrow night and work on signing."

Daryl nodded, flipping through the book, "Thanks."


Someone cleared their throat and they both turned to see Rick standing in the doorway.  Daryl gave the man a nod before leaving the cell,

"I seem to be getting a lot of visitors today." Nora joked,

"Why was Daryl here?" Rick asked,

"Oh, uh, Harley lost a shoe during the run and he was bringing her an extra pair." Nora explained,

"She okay?"

The brunette nodded, "Yeah, it was a close call but Daryl was there. He had her."

"He's good like that." Rick stated, putting his hands on his hips,

"You guys are lucky to have him." Nora commented as she moved the boots onto Harley's bunk, 

"We." Rick corrected, "We're lucky to have him."

Nora gave him a small smile. It was nice to know that he thought of her and Harley as part of the group.

"So, what do you need, Farmer Rick?"

"Just wanted to thank you for all the stuff you got for Judith." He stated, leaning against the metal bar of the bunk beds,

"The girl is growing up in a prison. She can use all the toys she can get." Nora replied, "I've been looking for stuff for Carl, too, but it seems like comic books are a hot commodity in the apocalypse." She joked,

"I appreciate you taking the time."

She shrugged, "Really, it's nothing."

"You have kids before this?" Rick asked her,

"No, no." She smiled and shook her head, "I was a teacher/interpreter. That's why Harley and I stuck together. I was the only one at our old camp who knew ASL." Nora explained,

"What happened to your old camp?"

Nora looked over at him, "What always happens."

The sheet was moved to the side and Harlow stepped in. She stared wide eyed at Rick before turning to Nora, rubbing her fist in a circle on her chest, "Sorry. Dinner's ready."

Nora nodded, "In a minute."

Harley went to leave but Nora let out a whistle. The brunette glanced at her bootless leg, only covered in a fuzzy sock, and grabbed a boot that Daryl brought and tossed it to her, "Daryl brought you some new ones."

"Only one?" Harley asked as she slipped the new boot on,

"Ask again when you lose the other one." Nora smiled, 

Harley glanced down at the two different boots on her feet and sighed before turning and leaving the cell,

The redhead went outside to the courtyard to get food. Carol smiled at her before handing her a bowl of deer stew. Harley gave her a smile of thanks before walking away.

Daryl watched as she went up to the stand. He hid the smirk on his face as he glanced down at the mismatched boots on her feet.

He let out a small whistle as he approached her. She turned and gave him a smile, "Nice boots." Daryl leaned down and tied the laces on the new boot, making sure it was tight enough so it wouldn't fall off easily.

When he stood, she balanced the bowl in one hand and signed, "thank you" to him.

"You're welcome." He signed back and her smile widened,

Harley felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Nora holding her own bowl of stew, "Hello, again, Daryl."

He nodded, "Hey."

Harley waved goodbye and the two went over to an empty table to eat. Nora took a bite of her food before signing to the redhead, "He likes you."

She stared at her friend with furrowed brows, "Who?"

Nora rolled her eyes, "Daryl."

"We all live in a group together. We have to like each other." Harley said,

"Yeah, but he really likes you. He got you new boots, gave you his poncho, let you go on the run. From what I've heard, he doesn't do that for anyone." Nora smirked.

It was true. Maggie told her that Daryl doesn't have a soft spot for many people.

Harley hid her blush behind the soup bowl and she drank the broth. Nora waited for her to put the bowl down before signing again, "I know groups make you nervous, especially after the last one we ran into-"

Harley shook her head, "You were right. This group is good. But how much longer until the fences fall?"

"They have strong people-"

"So did our last group." Harley stood up, "Where are they now?" She signed before grabbing her bowl and walking away.

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