chapter 22

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Once they were close enough, she called out, "Daryl! Someone! Help!"

Carl rushed to pull on the ropes, opening the gates.  Once she dragged Harley inside and Carl closed the gate, he went to help but Nora held out her hand, "She's sick." Harley collapsed to the gravel and Nora held her in her arms, "Go get Daryl!"

The younger Grimes nodded before sprinting back up towards the prison. Nora looked down at her friend, blood running down her pale face, "You're gonna be okay." Nora promised.

Daryl bolted out the cell block door and sprinted down the path. Nora had never seen him run so fast. He came to a stop and dropped down onto his knees, "How long she been like this?"

"We never got to the cabin." Nora informed him, "I brought her back here the moment she began showing symptoms."

Daryl lifted Harley into his arms and began rushing back to the prison, trying not to jostle her too much. The redhead let out a groan, the movement creating pain in her bones, as if she was made of glass.

"Yer gonna be alrigh'." Daryl mumbled, glancing down at the pale girl. He knew she couldn't hear him, but the words were meant to comfort himself more than her.

Nora stayed behind him as Daryl led the way into into the hallways of the prison, "Are you bringing her to A Block?" 

He shook his head, "Nah. Too many sick people in there." Daryl paused for a moment when they got to an intersection and went to the right,

"But she's sick, too."

"She'll die in there with the sick. Gotta keep her separated." He stopped and nodded towards the door, silently asking Nora to open it. She moved forward to open the door and inside was an empty office, a mattress laying in the corner,

Daryl quickly laid Harley down on the mattress, the red head letting out a small whimper and clutching onto his vest. He brushed her hair out of her face, "Me an' a group are gonna go on a run, get some medicine." He glanced over at Nora, "Can you take care of 'er?"

"Of course." Nora stood, "I'll go get some water. She needs to stay hydrated." 

Daryl nodded, waiting for Nora to leave the room before looking down at Harley, already finding her staring at him,"Imma get you better." He mumbled, "Promise." 

Harley shook her head, "Don't go." She whispered, her words barely audible,

He squeezed her hand, "I'll be back." Daryl tried his best to give her a comforting smile, "I'll always come back to you."

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