chapter 04

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They stared out into the field. At all the kids playing. The horses, the pigs, the crops.

This was a real community. A place they could belong.

Nora nudged the redhead next to her, "So... can I say 'I told you so'?"

Harley rolled her eyes with a smile, "I was wrong. This place is great." A young blonde walked by with a baby in her arms, "Is that a real baby?"

Nora stepped forward to get the woman's attention, "Hi, sorry, it's just... it's been a while since we've seen a baby."

The blonde smiled, "Oh, it's no problem. My sister mentioned Daryl brought in some new people."


"Maggie." The blonde explained, "I'm Beth." She bounced the baby on her hip, "And this is Judith."

"Nora." The brunette motioned back to Harley, "This is Harlow. She's deaf so just make sure she can read your lips and she'll understand you." Nora turned to Harley, "This is Beth and Judith."

Beth nodded and smiled at Harley, "Hi."

Harlow gave her a small wave before smiling at the baby in her arms, "You wanna hold her?" Beth asked them, "She likes people."

Nora nodded, "We're clean, we swear. Just took showers."

Beth held out the baby and Nora took her into her arms, holding her to her hip, "Hi." Nora smiled at the baby, "Oh, you're so cute." Nora looked over at the blonde, "You a first time mom?"

Beth shook her head, "Oh, no, she ain't mine. Her dad is around here somewhere, I just watch her for him."

Nora got the gist, "Oh, I'm sorry-" She began, handing Judith back.

"It's fine!" She smiled, "A lot of people assume I'm her mom."

"Hey." Nora looked over to see a tall man approaching. He had a swagger... something that men hardly pull off.

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