chapter 27

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Her eyebrows furrowed. They couldn't have gotten back already, could they?

She was about to go downstairs when she heard the voices of men. It sounded like they were arguing and she got nervous.

It was too many for her to handle by herself. Also too many for both her and Rick.

Nora grabbed her bag from the bedroom and quietly snuck into the other bedroom where Rick was sleeping. She shook his shoulder gently, "Rick." She hissed quietly,

She heard someone downstairs begging before there was a lout yell and a thump. Rick opened his eyes and Nora covered his mouth, keeping him quiet so they wouldn't give away their position,

He slowly sat up and she removed her hand,  "We have to go." She whispered,

Footsteps started coming up the stairs and Rick grabbed her arm. He got off the bed and they rushed towards the doorframe. He kept her behind him as he peeked around the corner, and she heard the first bedroom door open,

Rick gave her a worried look before rushing towards the bed, "Get under." He whispered before reaching for the book on the comforter,

Nora began shuffling under the bed, pulling her bag with her, and Rick followed after her. She watched as a pair of boots left the bedroom and moved onto the next. Rick shuffled out to grab his water bottle and his watched before returning to his position.

She bit her lip, trying to keep her breathing quiet as the boots appeared in the doorway. The man entered the room and Nora glanced at the tip of the military grade rifle that hung by the man's side.

The man came to a stop right in front of them. If Nora reached out, she could tie the man's boots. She held her breath as he moved, kicking some clothes that laid on the ground.

Nora noticed Rick's hand shaking and reached over to grip his fingers between hers. They needed to make it out before Harley, Michonne, and Carl got back.

No doubt those men would kill them without a thought.

She buried her face into Rick's arm as the man laid down on the bed, causing it to dip above them.

"This will be our abode for the evening."

Nora froze. She recognised the voice coming from downstairs. It was distinct, a voice she'd never forget.

The Claimers. The men who kept both her and Harley hostage all those months ago. The men who stripped them of their dignity, then chased them through the woods after they slaughtered a few of their men.

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