chapter 09

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She was helping the others take out groups of walkers that were pushing on the fences. What she said to Nora the other day was true. One day, these fences won't hold.

But she was going to prolong it for as long as possible.

Harley was about to stab another walker when something caught her attention from the corner of her eye. She looked over see Daryl heading towards the gates.

She put her fingers in her mouth and whistled, catching his attention. Daryl stopped and waited for her to jog over,

She began to write on her notepad but he reached his hand out to push it away, "Sign it." He told her,

Harley paused before signing, "Where are you going?"

Daryl paused for a moment before raising his hands, "Hunting."

The redhead grinned, "You've been learning."

"Nora gave me this book." He reached into his back pocket and pull out a ASL book,

"Can I come with you?" Harley asked,

Daryl nodded and the duo walked towards the gate. She raised the crowbar as the gates opened and they took a step onto the road.

The duo took down any walker that came near before disappearing into the woods. The redhead followed the hunter silently, stopping and keeping watch as he bent down beside a snare to grab the rabbit it caught and resetting it.

Daryl tossed the dead rabbit towards her and she caught it with the look of disgust. He watched her for a moment as she stood there and stared at the dead animal before rolling his eyes and walking towards her.

He pulled out a thin rope and tied the rabbit's back legs to it before stepping close to her and tying the rope on her shoulder,

Harley stared up at him as his tongue poked out from between his lips as he tied a knot on the two ends of rope, making sure it stayed secured around her.

He stepped back, making sure the rabbit stayed tied to the rope before signing, "Ready?" The redhead smiled up at him, "What?"

Harley shook her head, "Nothing."

They continued through the trees, Daryl shooting or snaring animals as they went. Harley watched him reset the traps and with the last few she tried to do it herself, with Daryl helping.

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