chapter 29

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The five of them were sitting around a fire, setting up camp by broken down truck that sat in the middle of a road.

Nora was eating a small portion of rabbit, wondering how many people made it out of the prison. How many people have died out in the woods of Georgia... how many of them were heading towards Terminus...

There was a lot of thinking going on. There wasn't anything else to do.

Who was she never going to see again? Maggie? Sasha? 

It was a miracle she found Carl and Rick again, another when Michonne found them, but could it be done again?

Once they had finished their small portion of protein, Carl and Nora retired to the truck to sleep. Carl sat in the passenger seat while Nora laid down in the bed of the truck.

Harley was sat by the flat tire, leaning her back against it. She was slowly eating her rabbit, savouring every piece of it.

Michonne and Rick were sitting by the fire, speaking. There wasn't enough light to tell what they were saying, but she didn't care much anyways.

She tossed the rabbit bones a few yards away before closing her eyes.

She was grateful that they found the Grimes family and Michonne, Harley had been in the position before where it was only her and Nora had gotten out of their camps.

They have always been the last ones standing. Over and over again. 

It was only a matter of time before she gets taken out, too.

She felt vibration under her leg and opened her eyes in time to see a gun in her face. Harley's eyes widened and moved her gaze to stare up at the greasy man with a beanie, who smiled down at her.

They had found them.

Nora let out a gasp as a hand wrapped around her ankle. She went to reach for her knife but was dragged out of the bed of the truck, landing harshly on the ground, "Don't think about it, girl." She stared up at the man as he aimed a gun at her, "Up."

When she didn't listen right away, the man grabbed her by the hair and lifted her up. She let out a cry as he yanked her towards the small fire, where the leader of his group was standing above Rick, a gun to his head.

The curly white hair, the malicious grin. 

It was over.

"You screwed up, asshole. You hear me? You screwed up." The old man smirked,

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