chapter 38

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While their main problem had been solved, they had another predicament. Daryl and Carol were still missing.

And Abraham was leaving with three of their group members.

Everyone gathered in the office to say their goodbyes to Bob. He had a high fever, sweating through the blankets despite claiming how cold he felt. They knew it was only a matter of time before he succumbed to the bite.

He sounded weak, sounded tired. Nora knew he was ready.

Sasha was with him when he passed. And Tyreese was the one who put him down.

He spent the early hours of the morning digging a grave for their group member. And after putting him down, Tyreese wrapped Bob's body in a sheet before he buried him.

They had a quick moment of silence for Bob while Sasha set up a grave marker. Nora didn't know him too long, but Nora knew him as such a positive guy, no matter the circumstance.

She wasn't sure how positive the group will be after this.

Gabriel was kind enough to read from the Bible, to give Bob's memory some closure.

While none of them believed in God anymore, it was still nice.

After the service, they moved over towards the short bus that Abraham had fixed up. Nora gave Rosita, Glenn, Maggie, and Tara a quick hug, "We'll see you guys soon."

Maggie gave her a nod and a comforting smile, "We always find our way back to each other."

Harley stood off two the side, watching the exchange between Rick and Abraham. She was grateful that Rick wanted to stay behind and wait for Daryl and Carol to show up,

"This is our route to DC." Abraham handed their leader a map, "We'll stick to it as long as we're able. If not, well, you got our destination. Once Eugene gets to the big brains left up there, things are gonna bounce back. This group should be there for it. You should be there for it."

"They will be." Maggie stated,

"We will." Michonne confirmed,

Rick nodded, giving them all a small smile, which they haven't seen on his face in a while, "We will."

Nora watched as they small group piled onto the short bus. She watched as they drove away, down the dirt road.

It was a waiting game now. They weren't going to leave Daryl and Carol behind, that much was obvious. But who knows when they were going to show up, or if they were even alive.

Tyreese went to dig more graves for the Terminus group. While Nora preferred for their bodies to rot in the woods, Tyreese had more empathy for others.

That night, Harley felt better about keeping watch outside. She sat on the steps, fiddling with her knife.

While she wasn't present for the fight last night, she sure did see the aftermath. It was gorey, and  she wasn't sure why Rick didn't just use bullets.

For revenge, most likely. For all those who couldn't fight their way out of the train car.

And for Bob.

Harley was interrupted from her thoughts when the trees and foliage in front of her began to shake. She quickly stood, with her knife ready.

She walked down the steps, gripping the handle of her weapon, waiting for the biter to expose itself.

Harley let out a few quick whistles, trying to attract the walker to her. 

The tree whistled back.

Tears filled her eyes at the familiar sound, "Daryl?"

The foliage parted, and the moonlight shined down on the hunter. Harley put her knife back in its holster before lunging at him, wrapping her arms around his torso. Daryl lifted her into his arms, allowing her legs to hug his hips,

She breathed in his scent, his usual musk with the added bit of campfire smoke, and felt his chest rumbling, meaning he was speaking.

Harley pulled back, Daryl's hands under her ass to support her as she used her hands to check his face, wiping away the dirt,

"Where'd you go? What happened?" She signed and he set her down, 

Then she noticed he was alone, "Where's Carol?"

Daryl brushed her hair away from her face before kissing her deeply. Harley signed into the kiss, gripping onto his leather vest.

He pulled away before they could run out of air, "Let's get inside. Explain then." He signed before leading her into the church.

The trees behind him began to move and Harley reached for her knife again. Daryl stopped her as an unfamiliar face stepped out into the clearing,

Before Harley could ask, Daryl began to sign, "This is Noah. He's gonna help us get Carol and Beth back."

The redhead's eyes widened when he signed Beth's name, "She's alive?"

Noah glanced between the two in confusion, not understanding sign language, "Um... hi?"

Harley gave him a welcoming smile and Daryl motioned his head towards the church, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and leading the two towards the building,

Just as one problem gets solved, an new one arises.

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