chapter 13

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He raised his crossbow and aimed for the head.

A twig snapped off to the side and Daryl swung around, his crossbow ready to take out a walker if needed.

Harley stood there, wide eyed, as she tied a rabbit to her rope. Daryl sighed and lowered his crossbow, looking over to see the deer has taken off,

"Sorry." Harley signed, walking closer to him,

"It's fine." He replied, "Let's go, I can track it."

The two walked through the trees, following the tracks of the deer. Harley paused to pick some berries after Daryl made sure they were good to eat. She dumped them in a small pouch made from rabbit skin that Daryl made her.

As they got farther into the woods, the darker the clouds overhead got. Daryl glanced up before turning to her, "We should head back."

"But the deer." She argued,

"Doesn't matter. Don't want to be caught in the storm." He told her and she nodded before following behind him.

It wasn't long before the sky was thundering and rain was poured down on them. Harley quickly pulled the hoodie of her sweatshirt up and stuffed her hands in her jacket pockets. The rain quickly soaked through the layers of clothes and she began to shiver,

Daryl's hair stuck to his face as his poncho did very little to protect him from the rain. He looked around before nudging Harley's side, 

"We'll head to the cabin and stay till the rain lightens up."

Harley gave him the sign for 'okay' before the duo headed west, where the cabin was located. They opened the door and looked around, searching for signs of any people or walkers.

It seemed untouched from the last time they were there.

Daryl went to start a fire, using the wood they he kept inside from their previous visit. Harley shed her wet jacket and sweatshirt, leaving her in a t-shirt and her soaked jeans. 

She took the animals that she grabbed from their traps and began to skin them. She found a bucket under the kitchen sink and placed the blood and guts inside,

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