chapter 07

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Daryl was driving and Nora and Sasha were in the back seat. The two women in the back were currently asleep, probably tired from the early morning start,

"So, uh," Daryl cleared his throat, "I wanted t' talk t' ya bout somethin'."

Nora looked over at him with a raised brow, "Oh?"

"Tha' hand signy thing-" Daryl began,

"ASL?" Nora smirked,

"Yeah, whatever.... I was wonderin' if you could teach me some." Daryl said, keeping his eyes on the road,


He nodded, "Would be easier for her, ain't it? So we don' havta keep writin' notes to each other."

Nora smiled over at him, "You're sweet."

The archer scoffed, "Nothin' sweet bout me."

"Mhmmm." Nora hummed, "Whatever you say, Dixon. You're sweet." She glanced back out the window, "Sure. It'll be nice for her to be able to communicate properly with other people."

Daryl bit his lip, glancing back at the redhead before turning his gaze back to the road.

It was early afternoon when they reached the location. It was a small town in the middle of the countryside. But it was one place specifically they wanted.

The high school. The figured there might be some non-perishable food in their cafeteria, medical supplies in their nurses office.

They split up into two groups. Daryl and Harley were going to the nurses office while Sasha and Nora were going to the cafeteria.

Daryl usually would've led the two of them, but he knew it would be better for her to be up front. She wouldn't be able to hear anyone or anything coming up behind them.

So she led them down the hallways, a knife and flashlight in her hands. They came across the administration office and Harley reached for the doorknob.

She frowned when the doorknob wouldn't budge. Who would lock the door after them during the end of the world?

Daryl moved to break the window to get into the office before the redhead stopped him. Harlow rolled her eyes before reaching into her hair and pulling back a bobby pin. She bit the rubber tip off before kneeling beside the door and sticking the metal into the lock.

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