chapter 32

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She watched as everyone created their own weaposn from what they could find in the nearly empty train car.

Everyone was discussing amongst themselves. It was too dark to read their lips, but since Nora didn't translate for her, she assumed it wasn't important. Daryl came over to make sure she was okay before going to take watch, the light from between the train car door illuminating his face.

She stared at the black eye that stood out on his tanned skin.

It was a miracle that they found each other. A one in million chance, and now, they found more members of their group from the prison.

In the past, Nora and Harley were never able to find members of their old groups. They always assumed they perrished after getting raided by the dead.

"All right, got four of them pricks coming our way." Daryl spoke, and Nora went over to Harley before signing to her to get ready.

The redhead stood, gripping her knife. Daryl shifted to stand in front of her, but Harley wasn't sure if he could protect her if things went down, which would inevitably happen.

"Y'all know what to do." Rick stated, moving over to the door, "Go for their eyes first. Than their throats."

Nora translated it for Harley before raising her fists, ready to throw punches to whoever came for her first.

"Put your backs to the walls on either side of the car now." A voice demanded from outside the train car,

No one listened. They surrounded the door, prepared to attack.

But the people of Terminus have done this many times, and were expecting their resistance. Which is why they sent someone onto the roof.

They people in the train car were not expecting that. A hatch opened, filling the train car with sunlight. Nora blocked the rays from burning her eyes, and she heard a 'clunk'.

On the floor of the container laid a smoke grenade. 

Abraham shouted for everyone to move as a flash went off. Daryl grabbed Harley, covering her ears to protect her from the sound.

Her heart raced as smoke filled the train car. Then she felt Daryl get ripped away from her,

"Daryl!" She cried out, hoping it was loud enough for him to hear,

Nora kept her back to the train car, trying to see in front of her. She heard Carl call out for his father, and found him to her right,

"I'm here." She told the teenager before hands grabbed her shoulder.

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