chapter 25

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It was the dead of night when they made it into a neighbourhood and went into the first house that looked secure enough.

They don't know who survived. If anyone survived.

She glanced over at her friend, who had cried herself to sleep. She was strong, every time they had lost a group, Harley never seemed to affected. 

Nora thought it was because the way she was raised. Harley was a foster kid, she was used to going from family to family, not making any real connections.

But this group was different. For both of them.

They were family.

And now they were gone.

When the sun rose, Harley didn't. Nora didn't blame her, she was still infected from the flu that spread through the prison.

Nora turned her gaze to the empty water bottle on the floor by the couch. They were going to need supplies soon. But she didn't want to leave Harley in the state she was in.

She heard gunshots in the near distance and Nora reached for her gun.

Could it be one of them?

Could it be someone from her group?

Nora turned her eyes to Harley once again. It didn't seem like she was going to awaken any time soon.

With a sigh, Nora stood. She would regret not going to see who it was. 

The brunette locked the front door and placed a chair underneath the doorknob before doing the same to the back door. Once secured, left Harley a note before she headed out through the back window.

Nora walked down the streets, gun in one hand and her backpack over her shoulder.

She didn't see any signs of life. Not even a walker.

She heard a few more gunshots and Nora knew she was getting close. But close to who?

Friend or foe?

Nora came across a group of dead walkers, all piled upon each other, with multiple bullet holes littering their bodies.

Someone was here. Their shot wasn't perfect, but that could've been the panic of being ganged up on by the walking corpses. It doesn't tell her anything she needed to know except the shooter was here.

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