chapter 36

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She quickly sat up, reaching for her knife, her eyes scanning the building for any signs of danger.

Harley immediately noticed Daryl's absence. He was sitting on the ground, his back against the seat when she fell asleep. 

Now, he wasn't even in the building. Neither was Carol or Bob.

"What's going on?" Harley signed as she approached Nora,

Nora and Maggie shared a worried look before the older woman answered, "Daryl, Bob, and Carol are missing."

Harley's eyebrows furrowed, how could they be missing? Daryl was a hunter, a tracker, he wouldn't be able to go missing very easily. Did Bob or Carol go off and he followed them? Why didn't any of them let the others know where they were going?

Nora could see the panic in Harley's eyes, "Hey." She reached for the redhead's hands, making sure she could read her lips, "They'll be fine. It's Daryl, he'll be back."

Harley nodded, trying to stay calm. She was right, Daryl is the least of their concerns. It was Bob and Carol that they should be worried about.

A few of their group went out to search the immediate area, while Maggie and Nora stayed behind to keep the others safe in case someone tried to attack.

The door opened and Nora tapped Harley's thigh, letting her know that the others were back. The two women stood and turned towards the door to see Sasha entering the church first, her eyes on the priest who was standing at the front,

It was too dark for Harley to know what they were saying, but she knew by their body language that Sasha was speaking in an aggressive manor,

Nora stood nearby, waiting to step in if needed as Sasha, Tyreese, and Rick approached Gabriel,

"What are you doing?" The priest glanced around confused and Sasha got in his face, "This is all connected. You show up, we're being watched, and now three of us are gone."

"I..." Gabriel's gaze met Rick's, "I don't... I don't have anything to do with this."

Sasha took out her knife and Gabriel jumped back in defence, "Wait!"

"Sasha, don't." Nora stepped forward but Rick pulled her back,

Her brother approached her from behind, "Sasha, put it away."

Gabriel held up his hands feigning innocence, "I-I don't have anything... to do with this."

"Where are our people?" Sasha growled,

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