chapter 14

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"You like her, don't you?" She smirked over at Daryl,

"Who?" He grunted, grabbing some toiletries from the shelf,

"Who do you think? I'm talking about Harley. Don't think we haven't seen you two sneaking off into the woods together." Nora replied, "Not to mention she hasn't stopped speaking about how good you are at ASL. It's made her day. Hell, it's made her whole year."

Daryl's cheeks turned pink and he used his hair to hide it, "It ain't like that."

"Mhmm." Nora grabbed some feminine items, opening the box and dumping the tampons in her bag and Daryl stared at her, "What? Saves room." She reasoned before tossing the now empty box on the shelf, "I gotta go and get something for Carl and Judith. Meet you at the front?"

"Better hurry before Zack draws in walkers." Daryl mumbled,

Nora gave him a salute before walking off, rushing towards the toy aisle. She grabbed a stuffed animal duck for Judith and grabbed some games for the other kids. She even found some legos. She guessed that many people didn't want to grab kids toys during the end of the world.

Lastly, she found some books and comics and stuffed them in her duffel before heading to the front of the store,

"Ready?" Daryl grunted at the group and they nodded,

They all headed to the truck, Daryl to his bike, taking out any walkers that came close.

They had been away from the prison for two day on a big scavenging trip. Everyone had been antsy to get back home and see their friends and family. With the weather warming up, Rick and Hershel have been planting crops and hopefully the group won't have to go on a run for a few weeks. Months, even.

When the sun went down, the group sat in a house that they cleared for the night. Daryl sat by the window, staring out into the street as he cleaned his arrows.

"You should go for it." Nora stated, making sure the others were asleep before speaking,

"For wha'?" He grumbled, not moving his gaze away from the window,

She gave him a knowing look, "For Harlow, duh. She likes you. Wouldn't let you get close if she didn't." Nora sighed, "Look, we don't know when our time is up, especially in this world. And some people might argue that if you stay distant, it won't hurt when the other person eventually dies."

"Whoever said that 's smart." Daryl mumbled,

"Or weak." She shook her head, "I think you should live as full of a life with that person as you can, before they're gone. Live with no regrets." He turned to look at her, "If she were to die tomorrow, would you regret not saying something?"

Daryl didn't answer, only turned to look out the window again. But Nora knew the answer. And she thought he knew it, too.

They headed out the moment the sun began to rise, wanting to be back at the prison as soon as possible.

Once they made it back, Nora grabbed her pack and an extra bag before she headed towards one of the picnic tables to sort through the items,

"Nora! Nora!"

She turned to see Lizzie, Mika, Molly, and Luke running up to her. Nora smiled and sat on the bench, waiting for them to come over, "Well, hello there."

"Hi, Nora!" The kids grinned,

"How was the run?" Mika asked,

"Oh, it was long. Easy, though. Lots of toys... and games... and books..." She smirked,

"Did you bring any back?" Luke asked her, looking up at Nora with his big brown eyes,

Nora hummed, reaching behind her and grabbed Uno, "Well, I did grab this." The kids looked excited to be able to do something rather than run around all day. Nora handed it to Luke before grabbing another game, "Or legos... or these stuffed animals..." She began handing them out and the kids jumped in excitement.

"Thank you!" They all hugged the woman before running off to play with their games,

Nora picked up her bag and headed towards the gazebo to speak to Carol, "Hey, Carol, have you seen Harley?"

Carol nodded, prepping some vegetables to cut up, "Yeah, she went out to check the traps."

"By herself?"

"She can handle it." Carol smirked, "I saw what you got the kids. It's sweet."

"Well... they're living in a prison in the apocalypse. Just trying to make their day more fun, plus I got more books for the library for your reading time." Nora told her,

"Aw, perfect. I'll have to check those out."

Nora nodded, "I'll drop them off in the library now." She told her before walking away,

She went over to Daryl, who was unloading the truck, "Hey," She smirked, leaning against the truck and adjusting her back pack, "Harley's out in the woods right now. On her own. Would be a good time to go out there and talk-"

"Wait..." Daryl set down one of the duffel bags, "She by herself?"

Nora raised her eyebrow, "She's a big girl, Daryl. She can handle herself."

Daryl shook his head, adjusting his crossbow before walking off. Nora smiled after him before heading into C Block.

She stopped at Carl's cell and peeked inside, seeing the Grimes boy sitting on the top bunk, reading a comic book, "How many times have you read that one?"

His head shot up, and he smirked when he spotted her, "About four times. It's okay, I like this one."

"Oh..." Nora reached into her bag to grab the few comic books she could fit in there, "So, you don't want these ones then?"

Carl's eyes widened and he quickly jumped off his bed, "No way! You found Spider-Man comics?!" She handed them to him and he paged through the two comics, "Where did you find them?"

"I have my ways." Nora grinned before grabbing the duck from the bag as well, "And this is for your sister. I got some picture books for her as well, but I'm gonna put them in the library with the rest of the books."

"She'll love this, thank you." Carl wrapped his arms around her,

"No problem, kid." Nora winked and stepped away, "See you at dinner?"

"Maybe, I might be too busy reading these." He replied,

"Don't stay up too late." She flicked his hat, "You still have to help your dad." She said before walking away.

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