chapter 23

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"Need some help?" She asked him,

He glanced up at her before setting the roll of gauze on the table. She moved forward, grabbing it and sitting down next to him. 

She grabbed his hand and moved it closer to torso before carefully wrapping it, trying not to cause any irritation to it, "Carol and I are heading out on a run."

Nora paused for a moment, moving her gaze to meet his, "Is that the best idea right now? With Daryl and the others out there?"

"We need medicine to tie us over until they get back. Tylenol, cough drops, anything. We don't know how long they'll be out there for." Rick responded,

She nodded, understanding where he was coming from. Aspirin would go a long ways for the ones who were infected. It would keep them stable and alive until the other group came back with antibiotics.

"Why Carol?" Nora asked as she continued wrapping his knuckles,


"Out of everyone available, why Carol? Why not me? Or Maggie?" She questioned, finishing with the wrap and letting go of his wrist,

Rick avoided her gaze, observing her handiwork on his knuckles, "I think she killed Karen and David."

Nora's eyes widened, "What? Are you sure?"

Carol was a strong woman, mentally, and anyone is capable of murder. But killing two members of your own group didn't seem like Carol, especially innocent members.

The farmer nodded, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure."

Nora stared at him for a moment, "What are you going to do?"

Rick sighed before meeting her eyes, "If Tyresse found out, he'd kill her. We all know that. So, I'm gonna drive her out, leave her with supplies."

"And Mika and Lizzie? What about them?" Nora stood, "Rick, they just lost their father, they can't loose Carol, too."

Rick moved to his feet, "What other choice is there? This needs to be handled before Tyresse gets back."

"And who are you to decide? What about the council?"

"At this moment, there is no council. Glenn and Sasha are sick. Hershel's in there with them. Daryl's out there somewhere. There's no one to make this decision but me." Rick sighed and pressed his fingers into the bridge of his nose, "I need to go. Watch over Carl and Judith for me while I'm gone."

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