chapter 20

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Usually he's the first awake, leaving a cold bed for her to wake up to.

But after yesterday, he didn't want to leave her side. He laid there, drawing patterns on her skin as she slept. He hated that he couldn't find her yesterday in the store, that Glenn was the one to keep her safe.

Harley sat up and moved to straddle Daryl's hips, "What's wrong?" She signed,

"Yesterday was bad." He replied, 

The redhead nodded, "I know. But we made it out. Both of us."

"Not Zack."

"It happens. You and I both know that." Harley responded,

"I know." He paused, rubbing his palms up and down her bare thighs, "I don't want you going on runs anymore."

"What? Why?" She knew it was concerning what happened yesterday. She should have stayed with Daryl, but they all thought it was safe. She didn't think that it would start raining walkers.

"It was bad. You could have been hurt."

"But I wasn't the one who died. I walked out of there without a scratch on me."

"You didn't stay by me. I told you to always stay with me."

"That's just unrealistic." Harley climbed off his lap and grabbed her jeans from the floor and pulled them on as Daryl sat up. Once she buttoned them, she continued her argument, "I'm not helpless."

"I know you're not." He signed while she put on her boots,

"Then stop treating me like I am." She snapped before grabbing her knife and walking out of their cell.

Daryl sighed, watching her walk away. Having her out there made him nervous. In those situations, he's more concerned about finding her than getting the whole group out of there.

He knew she wasn't helpless. But he's always afraid of a walker sneaking up behind her.

Nora was outside, setting up the grill for breakfast when Harley stomped past, going towards the outer fences. She set down the bowls and jogged to catch up with her, "Where's the fire?"

Harley paused and turned towards her friend, "You were there yesterday. Was I helpless?"

Nora shook her head, "What's this about?"

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