chapter 06

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She found a classic she remembered reading in high school and grabbed it, tucking it under her arm before letting the flashlight lead her out into the hallway.

It was the middle of the night and most of the prison's residents have gone to sleep. The only people who were still awake were the ones on watch.

But no matter how safe the walls and fences were, the nightmares still came for her. She still felt the hands of the man all over her, the sting of the knife.

Wiping the sweat from her brow, she quietly went into her cell and set the book on her bed before swiping her Walkman and heading towards the exit.

The redhead laid down in the grass and placed the headphones over her ears. She pressed play and stared up at the stars.

Daryl watched from the guard tower as she wandered into the field. Once she found a spot to sit, he walked down the steps.

He let out a quick whistle as he approached, not wanting to scare her. He paused when he noticed the headphones and Walkman laying in the grass,

Harley felt the vibrations under her fingertips and opened her eyes to see Daryl standing over her,

She gave him a small smile and sat up as he took off his crossbow, setting it in the grass before sitting next to her, his poncho grazing the grass. He reached for her Walkman, looking at the tape inside, and Harley took out her notebook,

"Since when could ya listen t' music?" He asked,

Harley let out a little breath which he took as a laugh before she began to write on the paper. She handed it to him before leaning back on her forearms,

'I can feel the vibrations in songs, that's what I listen to'

He let out a hum and handed the notebook back. She watched as he spoke, "Got a good taste in vibrations." He commented, 

She grinned up at him before laying back completely and writing on the paper again, 'I heard the Beatles were a classic, are they any good?'

He nodded before grabbing the pen from her fingers, 'Can't sleep again?'

Honestly, he knew the answer. Nora had mentioned Harley wandering at night, rarely getting any sleep. She seemed to avoid sleeping at all costs.

She stared down at the notebook, the pencil limp between her fingers. The redhead glanced over at him, wondering if she could trust him enough to say anything.

He did bring them back to the prison, offered shelter, food, water, and safety. Hell, Daryl even got her pretzels.

'Nightmares' she wrote before handing the notebook back.

Daryl read the singular word before observing the girl next to him. Everyone had gone through their fair share of shit. Hell, couldn't survive till this point without something bad happening to you.

But once you get behind sturdy walls and people around you, it goes away. Not entirely, but to a certain extent.

'Ya don't have to be afraid anymore.'

She gave him a small smile before turning her head back to the night sky above. Daryl stared down at her goosebump-filled arms before taking off his poncho.

He laid it across her torso and she looked over at him as he grabbed the notebook again, 'You better get some rest for the run tomorrow.'

Harley grinned and reached for the pencil, 'I get to go?'

Daryl nodded and the redhead stood, the archer following. She wrapped her arms around him and before he could react, she took a step back and signed 'thank you'.

She handed him his poncho back before gathering her notebook and heading back up towards the prison. Harley paused, waiting for him to follow.

Daryl stared down at the poncho before catching up with her. He pulled it over her head, "We'll get you a jacket tomorrow."

Harley nodded, linking her right arm around his left one before they walked up to the courtyard. There stood Tyreese, who was just about to take over Daryl's shift.

"Any trouble tonight?" The large man asked,

"Besides her? Nah." Daryl gave him a nod before the man entered the field.

The archer nudged her back towards Cell Block D. She began walked away when Daryl let out a sharp whistle and she turned around,

"9 am." He told her, the light from a lantern that allowed her to read his lips,

Harley gave him a thumbs up before going inside. She quietly made her way back to her cell when Nora turned the lantern on,

"Where have you been?" She signed, sitting up on her bed,

"Stargazing." Harley answered before setting down her notebook on the small desk,

Nora raised an eyebrow and noticed the fabric wrapped around the redhead, "With Daryl?"

She rolled her eyes, "He was on watch."

Nora smirked before laying back down, "Yeah right." She muttered as Harley turned off the light and slid into her bed.

Harley was sensing the comment and smacked her with the pillow before laying her head down and closing her eyes.

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