chapter 18

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Last night was something he had wanted to do for a while now. Well, the first part.

He had never heard her speak before. It never crossed his mind that she could speak. Of course she could, she just couldn't hear that well, that doesn't affect her voice.

Daryl loved hearing her whisper those words. He wanted to hear more of it.

But hearing her scream and cry broke his heart. He had never seen her like that before. It made him remember that he didn't know her all that well, that she only came into his life six months ago.

The way she clung to him. Harley always seemed so fearless. But there was something out there that she was terrified of.

Harley began to stir and Daryl moved towards the kitchen to grab the oatmeal he made for her. She sat up as he approached with the bowl in his hand.

'Thanks', she signed, giving him a small smile. She curled up in the corner of the couch and set the bowl on her knees while taking small bites.

Daryl watched her for a moment before reaching over and tucking the blanket over her shoulders to keep her warm.

She stared up at him with her crystal blue eyes. He wanted to kiss her, an urge he's never had in his whole life, but he pulled away before he could fulfil it.

Harley bit her lip and watched as he walked back towards the window. She knew she freaked him out last night, and now he was hesitating. She was waiting for that moment for weeks now. And she ruined it.

She cleared her throat and Daryl turned to look at her. Harley set down her bowl before signing "I'm sorry about last night".

"Don't be." He responded, watching her carefully.

"Not the kissing part. I liked the kissing." Harley wanted to make sure he knew she didn't regret it, "I'm sorry about running off."

Daryl shook his head, "It's fine."

"It's not." Harley hesitated for a moment, "Before the prison... when Nora and I were in the woods, this group of men found us." Tears welled up in her eyes, "It was my fault. I didn't see them coming."

He stood and crouched down in front of her, "You don't have to-"

Harley grabbed his hands to stop him before continuing, "I owe you an explanation." Their blue eyes stayed connected, Harley silently begging him to let her continue. He nodded and she let out a small sigh, "It was dark and I couldn't see them. Then there was a gun to my head. Two of the men claimed us and dragged us away from our camp."

"Claimed?" Daryl asked,

"It was their way of calling dibs on us." Harley explained, "And they did whatever they wanted."

Daryl knew what she meant. What those men did to her and Nora. He didn't consider those people men. To him, they were monsters. They were worse than the walking dead.

"I had to kill him. He wasn't going to stop. And their group came after us. We had to hide in the trees until they left." She continued,

"That's how you snuck up on me." Daryl signed,

"It's hard to know who to trust now." Harley replied, "We had to make sure you weren't one of them. I don't regret it. Any of it."

She reached forward and cupped his neck before placing a soft kiss to his lips. As Daryl responded, Harley scooted forward so her knees hit the hardwood floor.

Harlow pulled back, feeling his hesitance, "It's okay. I trust you."

Daryl wrapped his arms around her and moved Harley to lay her down gently on the fur rug by the fireplace before leaning back on his heels. He brushed her red hair from her face before moving his hands to her outer thighs and moving them up. His fingers grazed the skin along her stomach, pushing her shirt up.

Harley watched as he gently touched her.

This is what she needed. After a life of being treated like dirt, a life of hardships, she needed soft. Gentle.

He ran his finger of the small scar on her lower stomach that she obtained nearly six months ago. The scar that reminded her of that night.

Daryl kissed the scar before continuing to kiss up her torso before pulling her shirt over her head, kissing her lips before she dug her fingers into his hair to keep him in that position.

Harlow gasped as Daryl reached underneath her lower back and pressed her core against him.

"Please." She begged in a breathy whisper,

He moved to push her sports bra over her head and she unbuttoned his shirt. Once she was able to see his bare torso, her eyes ran over the scars he had gained over the years, most before the world ended and some after.

Daryl lifted her up and moved underneath her. He placed her into his lap as he laid on the rug.

He knew that she needed control. After what she told him, he didn't want to scare her again. And he didn't want her to see the rest of his scars.

Harley leaned over him, pinning his arms beside his head. Her hair was like a curtain, trapping them in their own little world.

She ground her hips against him and Daryl was eager to return the favor. Harley let out a moan into Daryl's mouth and he took the opportunity to run his tongue along hers,

Harley moved her hands down his torso and to the buckle of his belt. Daryl reached down and stopped her for a moment and she pulled back to look at him, "Are you sure?" He asked,

She nodded and he let go, letting her take control once more.

Harley didn't want this moment to end.

And neither did Daryl.

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