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Josuke was busy getting ready to go to bed when his computer notified him that he had a Skype call.

He jumped on his bed and answered, his face appearing on screen.

"Hey! Okuyasu's just taking a shower so I thought I would call you," Yumiko exclaimed.

"That's good, I'm just about to go to sleep," Josuke explained.

"How was your first day at the academy?"

"Rough, I'm really sore..." Josuke groaned, dropping his head on his arms.

"Fill your bathtub with cold water everyday when you get home and just soak in there for like 10-15 minutes, it's going to cool down your bones because right now they're super hot from all these new exercises you're doing," Yumiko suggested.

"Thanks for the advice. How was the campus tour?"

"It was great, apparently at some point during the year they're going to bring in a bunch of elementary students for us to practice teaching, then I get to be a teacher's aide here for about a year after I graduate, then I'll be back in Morioh."

"So that's like 5 years in Italy?"

"Yeah... but we got this long distance friendship thing in the bag!"

"Yeah, I guess we do. And how's Okuyasu holding up?"

"He's doing fine, we have our apartment all set up so that we don't clash. He's in the only bathroom and I'm in my bedroom. Oh! I want to show you the view from my window! It's beautiful!" Yumiko exclaimed, getting up from her desk and bringing her phone over to the window of her apartment bedroom and putting the phone up to the window, showing Josuke the view of Naples lit up by street lamps.

"Wow, they're like fireflies!" Josuke exclaimed.

"Yeah, and I get to see this every night for the next 5 years. What's it like where you are?"

"Oh, well it's just the academy dorms, the only thing I can see is one of my roommates smoking on the fire escape."

"Wouldn't it be ironic if the escape caught fire because he was smoking on it?"



"Who were you talking to?" another of Josuke's roommates asked as he lounged on one of the two bunk beds in the small dorm room with a book open on his lap, glasses propped on his nose with the arms visible in his short curly auburn hair.

All together there were 4 roommates sharing one room.

This roommate was named Nathaniel "Nate" Cray, he was a foreign student from British Columbia, Canada.

Then there was Savio Belloni from Italy, and Jacques Rolland from France.

Josuke was the only roommate who lived in Japan.

"Just a friend," Josuke replied, before slightly jumping as Jacques leaned over the edge of the top bunk to look at Josuke, the faint glow of the lamps in the room glistening on his deep sepia colored skin as the same mischief that never left his eyes grew.

"She's not just a friend Higashikata, you like her," Jacques accused.

"He's right," said Savio, climbing in through the window as the light accented his thick wavy locks of brown hair and his sun kissed skin.

"How do you know?" Josuke said.

"Because, nobody looks at someone like that if they're just a friend, it's how I look at my bella," said Savio, picking up a small picture frame on the desk with a picture of his girlfriend Emma Adamoli.

"It's how I look at Richard," Jacques added.

"And how I look at Marina," said Nate, throwing his partner into the mix.

"I look at Yumiko like that?" Josuke asked.

"You look like you're looking at a new Prince album in your hands," Savio chuckled.

"Huh, I guess I do like her...." Josuke said, losing himself deep into his train of thought.

"We better get to sleep or else the dean is gonna murder us," Jacques said, pushing himself back up onto his bed while Savio put out his smouldering cigarette in an ash tray before climbing onto the top bunk of him and Nate's bed.

"Night guys," Nate said as he took off his glasses and set them on the table beside him, turning off the lamp before turning to face the wall.

"Night," Josuke sighed before turning off his and Jacques lamp.


"Alright amico, wake up," Savio said as Josuke looked at him tiredly.

"What's today again?" Josuke asked.

"An important day, it's our final test before graduation," Savio said, pulling Josuke out of bed.

"I'm not looking forward to being sprayed in the eyes with pepper spray and completing an obstacle course," Josuke groaned.

"Your friends are going to be there," Nate said, chuckling as Josuke perked up.

"It's been 5 years?" Josuke questioned.

"No, it's been 3. Your friend Okuyasu finished cooking school early and your friend Yumiko is finishing her studies in Morioh. How did you forget everything you told us yesterday?" Jacques asked, pulling on the plain white T-shirt that went under his uniform.

"I'm not sure, but I'm excited," Josuke said, grabbing his uniform.

"Well, I guess this is it," Nate sighed once he got his uniform on.

"Right, you're all going back to your home countries..." Josuke said.

"Yeah, we can't leave our families. But we'll have our memories," Jacques replied.

"Yeah, we will..."

"And we can write letters to each other. I can't wait to go home and see my Emma.... Can you all keep quiet about something?" Savio asked.

"Yeah, what's up?" Josuke asked.

"Well, earlier this year when I went home for a week, I spent most of my time with Emma, and I received a letter from her recently.... She's expecting..." Savio mumbled.

"Really!? Congrats man!" Nate exclaimed.

"Yeah, that's awesome Savio!" Josuke said, pulling Savio to his side and playfully punching his arm.

"Congratulations Savio!" Jacques exclaimed, throwing little ripped up pieces of paper in the air as homemade confetti.

"Thanks, I'm honestly shocked that my bella is incinto(pregnant)..." Savio said.

"Well still, it's good news and you should be proud. You're going to be a dad, Savio!" Jacques exclaimed, "if me and Richard could have kids, we would in a heartbeat."

"I'm waiting till I'm married," Nate said.

"I'm waiting until I actually have a girlfriend," Josuke exclaimed, making everyone laugh.

"Well maybe you can change that today, go impress Yumiko and conquista il suo cuore(win her heart over)!" Savio said.

"I'll try..."

"Hey, you got it Josuke. And we've heard all your skype calls, she really likes you and you like her. Now stop acting like a scared 5th grader and give it your all!" Nate exclaimed.

"Ok, I can do this!"

"Yeah you can!"

(A/N) just for visuals, Nate is pretty much a buff Milo Thatch from Disney's the lost city of Atlantis, Savio looks a bit like Joseph mixed with Ceasar but with more caramel colored hair and he always wears white tanktops and a kind of navy version of Josukes pants, and Jacques looks like Naveen from the princess and the frog but also buff and he wears t shirts and jeans a lot, but this isn't exactly what they look like just who was in the back of my mind when describing them 


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