Prince music and the Higashikata scandal (part 2)

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"There's a fake!?" Josuke exclaimed.

"Yeah, we personally know the Yamagishi family Josuke, how was I supposed to keep you and Yumiko from finding out?" Tomoko replied.

"I don't know, keep us away from each other!?"

"Josuke, calm down. It's just the dates. Yukako is Yukako, and you are Josuke," Tomoko said, taking a sip of her tea.

"So what does that mean?" Yukako asked.

"How about we start at the beginning."


"When I met Joseph, he was very charming. I had no idea he was married. So I was flattered when he had taken an interest in me. So we went on a date. And one date turned into more, and more eventually became..."

"Twins!?" Tomoko's father exclaimed.

"I can take care of them dad! I just have a year left before I get my degree, I can do it!" Tomoko pleaded.

"How did this even happen!? Last time you visited you weren't in a relationship and now you're pregnant with twins!"

"A-are you mad?" Tomoko questioned nervously.

"Mad? I could never get mad at you Tomoko, it just feels like you aren't my little girl anymore," her father choked, pulling Tomoko into a hug.

"I'm sorry dad," Tomoko sobbed.

"It's alright Tomoko, we just can't take care of both at the same time. I could help with one, but two means I'd have to go out of the job."

"You'd prefer your job over your grandchildren?" Tomoko sniffled.

"Never, it's just that right now I don't have the money. Babies are expensive Tomoko, right now we can only take care of one. I think it would be a good idea if we put one up for adoption."

"I could never be able to handle that dad," Tomoko sobbed.

"Is there anyone you know personally who could take care of a baby?" Tomoko's dad asked.

"M-my college professor's been struggling with having a baby, I'm sure s-she'd be willing to adopt one," Tomoko said shakily.

"Talk to her about it, see if she'd want to adopt," he suggested.



"What happened after that?" Yukako asked, leaning on the table.

"Well, I talked to my professor and she happily accepted with the promise that we'd try and keep you two around each other," Tomoko explained.

"We're twins!?" Josuke exclaimed.

"No sh*t sherlock," Yumiko said, flicking Josuke's forehead.

"Anyways, then my delivery day came," Tomoko said.

"Who's the oldest?" Yumiko asked, trying to block out Josuke's whispers of hope that it was him.

"Yukako's the oldest, she was also the biggest. Josuke was small and very weak," Tomoko explained, "so the Yamagishi's took Yukako so I could stay with Josuke and raise him to be healthy."

"Dammit!" Josuke exclaimed.

"Anyways, Josuke's birth certificate is the real one," Tomoko replied.

"Why didn't you ever tell Joseph he had twins?" Yumiko asked.

"You wouldn't believe the amount of letters I wrote but never sent. I didn't want to tear apart his marriage, I didn't want to be that woman. He knows about Josuke, and eventually I did tell him about Yukako. She's inheriting a stone and some money from his will," Tomoko said.

"Stone? Like a rock?" Yukako questioned.

"No, like a gemstone, apparently it's important," Tomoko sighed.

"Why does she get the important stuff!?" Josuke exclaimed.

"Joseph gave the women in his life his prized possessions. Suzie gets the estate and business, Holly gets a portion of the money and his wedding ring, Yukako gets a stone and a small sum of money, and Shizuka gets a portion of money according to Jotaro," Tomoko explained.

"What do I get!?" Josuke exclaimed.

"You also get a portion of money, but that's going to be put away for your future, both of you," Tomoko replied.

"So does that mean me and Josuke are siblings?" Yukako asked, slightly gagging.

"Yes, and I expect you to treat each other as such," Tomoko explained.

"Ok mom," Josuke and Yukako said in unison.



"Your mom's pretty cool," Yumiko said, her eyes glued to the anime playing on the t.v. as she tossed a piece of popcorn into her mouth.

"Yeah, she is," Josuke replied, "she's a jerk sometimes though."

"Are you kidding? I wanted to be a tattoo artist but if your mom is that awesome I might just be a teacher instead," Yumiko chuckled, tossing some popcorn at Josuke.

"I could see you as a teacher, nobody would like you though," Josuke chuckled.

"Oh yeah? And you'll be as bad a cop as your hair," Yumiko shot back.

"Thanks," Josuke mumbled.

Yumiko sighed, focusing on the t.v. once more.

"So what do you think Yukako and Koichi are up to?"

"Probably playing tongue hockey on a park bench somewhere," Josuke mumbled.

"It's so vulgar when you say it," Yumiko gagged.

"You find it funny," Josuke chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess I do," Yumiko giggled, "what about Okuyasu, what do you think he's doing?"

"I don't know, he's like Nendo," Josuke said, gesturing to the t.v. as the character appeared on screen , "I can't figure him out no matter what I do."

"Ok that makes way too much sense. Here's an idea, if Okuyasu is Nendo, who is everyone else in the group?" Yumiko asked.

"Yukako is Kokomi, You're Saiki, I'm Hairo, and Koichi is Mera," Josuke replied.

"Ok it got worse. Yukako is Yumehara, you're Kaido, Koichi is Mera, and I'm Aren," Yumiko explained.

"Never thought I would say this but you're correct Kakyoin," Josuke sighed, tossing some popcorn at the redheaded woman on the other side of the couch.

"Thanks Higashikata."

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