Chapter Five: Avoiding

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Campbell's POV

I walk down the hall with Jules and Rue as we head to class, I look at Rue and start to notice her giving Jules heart eyes causing me to smirk, she very clearly likes her

I look over to see Maddy and her friends walking down the hallway and my eyes longer on Maddy as she walks past me, she's barely looking at me which is weird given she was just at my house last night

"Are you staring at her again" Rue says taking me out of my one sided staring contest

"Maybe, she came over yesterday" I say causing both of the girls to gasp

"Did you guys hook up" Jules says causing me to laugh

"No we just hung out and I thought it went well but I guess it was a one time thing" I say sadly as we make it to class

"So your really moving into the Jacobs house" Rue says, I nod sadly as we won't see each other as often even though I'm being distant for a reason

"Well please come visit more, I miss you" She says causing me to just nod

"I miss you too" I say causing her to smile

Other than Jules, I'm the one person Rue feels comfortable around and will talk too since I'm the friend that stayed myself as we grew up

I sigh as class starts and I have to get through the day while Maddy stays on my mind

I walk over to my locker to get my stuff for baseball tryouts, I decided to join a sport since I know have to breath the same air everyday with Nate and I want to be out of the house as much as possible

"Yo I heard Maddy blacked out while hooking up with that guy in the pool" I hear someone walk past say causing me to freeze, WAIT WHAT

I turn towards where the boys were with a glare as I think of what slimy little fuck touched Maddy like that, I slam my locker and head to baseball tryouts before I lose my shit in the hallway

Time skip

I walk out the locker room dressed in a hoodie and some jeans before heading to my car, Marsha thought to give me a gift since I have been torched by her son so she gave me one of their spare cars they had

I get my laptop out and start going through the Instagrams or people at the party and I finally find the at of the guy that took advantage of Maddy that night, I look at his story and see he's at the mall

I close my laptop before starting my car and heading to the mall, I pull up to the mall and get out before heading in and looking around for the guy, I spot him walking causing me to follow him

I see him stop at one of the malls small shops and I detour as he prepares for work, I watch him as he puts his stuff away and messes around on his phone, I wait till he talks to some customers before walking out the mall

I head home and walk I got eh house to see it all being packed up, I head to my room and pack up my clothes, trophy's and shoes before finally taking my laptop out and doing more "research" on this guy

Time skip

I open my window and sneak out the house through the back door and walk to the place I found from his resume for the mall job, I arrive at his place carrying a bat and my pocket knife and start walking up to the door

I hear it open suddenly causing me to jump into a bush near by, I hear the door slam causing me to look up and see Nate walking out with an umbrella, my eyes widen as I watch him get in his truck and drive off

Once he's out of my sight I go into the apartment complex and head to the apartment number that I saw, I pick the lock of the door before putting my gloves on and walking in

I hear a pained groan causing me to follow the noise, I look to see a beaten Tyler on the ground struggling to move, I freeze in my spot as I look at his bloody and beaten face and flashbacks start to come into my head

Instantly run out and and carefully lock and close the door before rushing out of the apartment and running him as the flashbacks continue to run in my mind


I run for my life as terror runs through me and make it to my house and shut the door as if someone was chasing me but I knew that no one could chase me, I look down to see my hands, pants, shoes and shirt all covered in blood, I wipe the blood off on my shirt before lifting my hand to my hand and feeling the blood on my face as well

I run up to my bedroom quickly before my father can even seen my Carrie like state

Flashback over

I rush Into the house through the back door and run up to my bedroom and shut the door, thankfully my dad isn't home due to a late work day because he might think I made the same mistake and I don't wanna fo back

I try to catch my breath as I walk over to my bed and strip off my shirt leaving me in a sports bra, I take my shoes off and finally relax a bit as my heart rate returns to normal

I look over to my bedside table to see a picture of my mom and I, she's hugging me from behind as her chin sits on my shoulder and I'm holding the toy truck she gave me, we went to the park that day and it's one of my best memories of her that I have

I fear my eyes away from the picture and pull my phone out and text Maddy to se what was up with today, I have to at least try and get my mind off of my mom and talk to Maddy so why not kill two birds with one stone......horrible timing for that

Me: hey what are you doing tonight

Maddy: She can't talk idiot, she's out with me

I frown my eyebrows at this and text back

Me: Who is this and why do you have Maddy's phone asshole

Maddy: It's Nate and she's out with me and is probably gonna get some better dick so get lost

I reread the text over and over as I can't believe what I'm reading, she went back to the piece of shit after everything she told me and everything I told her about him, did our hang out and our talk mean nothing to her

I throw my phone across the room in anger and lay back on the bed, I can't believe I'm moving in with the biggest asshole in the world and more importantly

I can't believe Maddy is back with him

A/n ok well that was a really weird chapter to write and yea I left out the cafeteria scene but that was for a reason, mainl y become it was uneventful


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