Chapter Thirty: Suspicion

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Campbell's outfit ^^^

Campbell's POV

I get up from my bed in the middle of the night feeling the strongest urge to piss, my fault for drinks so much soda and water before bed

What can I say, I worked out after binging a movie with Maddy on ft, she thankfully didn't hear all the fucking Nate was doing next door but that was because I was across the room

I exit my room and I'm hit with the smell of everything that I heard causing me to gag immediately and make my way to the bathroom but as I do, I smell something else

I recognize that perfume, is it Kat''s not Maddy's....Cassie's

"Weird" I say before going to the toilet, I use the bathroom and wash my hands before walking out and I'm hit with it nice again

"What the hell is that" I say confused, I hear footsteps approaching and see Nate who smirks at me causing me to roll my eyes at him and walk into my room and close the door

I lay down and smile as I see Maddy sleeping soundly on my phone and snoring a bit, I wish she was here, she hasn't been over due to Nate's constant attempts to get her to leave me and her triggers from him

I mainly go to hers now

I fall asleep with a smile on my face as I think of Maddy, she really has me whipped

No One's POV

Andrew steps out of his truck and adjust his jacket before making his way over to Faye who's taking out the trash, Andrew smiles at her and walks past causing Faye to race after him

"Where's your friend Pez...or Fez" Andrew says and Faye just sighs and let's him in, she knows the reason he's here and she doesn't want to get hurt so she just obeys

"He's in here" Faye says as she leads Andrew to the living room where Ash, Fez and Custer are watching tv

"Hey Fez....anything change with Mouse" Andrew says causing the boys to look at him like he's lost his mind

Fez sighs and gets up as Ash stares holes into Andrew's head , Ash knows that Campbell isn't being treated well at home

He can see it clearly and he wants to do something about it, even if it means he has two bodies on his hands

"No man..,we're layin low" Fez says and Andrew scoffs

"Just make sure that he's not seen or he's disappeared, I don't need to be connected to some kid who went crazy" Andrew says and Fez balls his fists but let's it go to not cause any suspicion

"It's cool man your in the clear...just gotta move some stuff he gave me and stay off the radar" Fez says, he looks over to Ash who he sees with a knife in his hand but it's hidden

"Well...just covering bases...if need be, we can even say Campbell did it, she does have the crazy track record " Andrew says laughing a little before making his way out, Fez watches him leave the house and drive away

"That man needs to go fucking down" Fez says angrily before slamming his door

Campbell's POV

I sighs as I hang up with Ali, he just told me that Rue completely went nuclear on him for no reason, throwing his past with abusing his wife in his face

I immediately go to Rue's contact but stop myself immediately and close my phone

"You ok baby" Maddy says and I smile, we just set Theo to bed and we're heading to have dinner, I smile as I cut up some vegetables for her and I and put them in the pot of boiling water

"When did you become Gordon Ramsey" Maddy says flirtatiously and I smile at her

"When my mom was..sober...she taught me how to cook all the recipes her mother past down to her...she wanted me to not be like one of those lazy men who can barely make a sandwich for himself" I say as I look back at Maddy briefly with a smile

"I wish I met her...she seems sweet" Maddy says and I smile sadly

"Yea....I wish I could have introduced you two....she'd like you" I say and I hear Maddy get up and walk over to me, she wraps her arms around my waist and rubs my stomach to comfort me, something I told her my mom did when I would have a bad dream

"You know......I'm here for you right" She says and I smile to myself but i know she saw since she can see our reflections in the window

"I know you you know I'm here for you" I say and I feel Maddy nuzzle into my back as I stair the pot of ingredients

"I do....even if I don't show it" She says and I turn around and peck her lips

"Dinner is almost ready.....can you get the plate beautiful" I say as Maddy smiles and pecks my lips before going over and getting the plates

She tries to reach for another but can't causing me to smile, I turn the heat off on the stove and go over to her, I lean against her a bit and grab the plate on the top shelf

"I hate that your talk sometimes" She whines causing em to chuckle a bit and set the plate down next to the others

"Well you love it for other this one" I say before picking Maddy up, she laughs in surprise as I set her in the counter, we stare into each other's eyes and Maddy gives me a toothy grin after a bit

"Your really are a prince charming" She says and I smile and peck her lips

"Well I'm glad...because you are my queen" I say against her lips, Maddy smile a smile pulls me into a heated kiss, I feel her run her hands over my back with her nails and I feel chills run up my spine

"Are you sure you wanna do this....we still have dinner" Maddy asks and I smile

"I'm hungry for something else all of a sudden" I say before taking my shirt off and continue making out with Maddy and letting things run it's course

Time skip

I lay in bed with Maddy as she lays in my chest and draws circles on my stomach

"You know....Cassie said that I deserve someone who's passionate and loving" Maddy starts and I hum in response

"I think I found it with you" Maddy says and I smile and pull her close, I look down at her and see she's already looking at me

"I found it in you....I found my peace and I'm happy I can be that person you deserve" I say and Maddy smiles and kisses my shoulder before looking deep into my eyes

"I love you Campbell" She says and I smile widely at her and pull her into a passionate kiss

"I love you too Maddy" I say and she pulls me into another kiss that leads to more rounds our love making

A/n awwwww cute Maddy and Campbell moments, I love them together


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