Chapter Eight: I'll Protect you

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Trigger warning ⚠️ abuse of children and spouse and potentially sexual abuse/r*pe, don't read if you don't feel up to it please, take care of yourself ❤️

Rue's voiceover:
Life is a fucked up Custer of events that usually doesn't get better for the most part and it can be the worst even from the start but not for Campbell

Her father Andrew is a very successful business owner and is on some Cal Jacobs level shît but not quite as well known, he dabbled in financial services till he went to strictly business and that's where he met Campbell's mom Mia, they had the classic office lovers trope and soon they became pregnant with Campbell

Andrew was excited especially when he thought they were having a boy.......but soon when Campbell was 6, they found out He was actually a She which they were ok about for the most part

Mia soon transferred to art after a while and was happy doing art shows and everything but her dickhead boss thought she was too good so he fired her...mainly because she was a black women and someone who could upstage him and damage his fragile male ego

"Your fired effective immediately, we can not have your art on our walks anymore, it's bad for business" Mia's boss says triumphantly as he gives a small smirk to Mia who's fuming in her seat before storming out

This spiraled her into a dark depression and the money started to dry up which took a toll on the marriage and Andrew's patience with his wife so he became distant and cold towards her

He stopped supporting her when she would paint to help with her growing depression and lack of motivation, and when she lost all creative energy....she turned to drugs

First it was weed then Molly then to prescription pills, she started hanging out  with the wrong crowd and coming home late which pissed her husband off more and they argued but soon......Those arguments turned to beatings

Campbell had seen how her father had treated her mother for years and she'd tell him it wasn't right but he'd piss her off and threaten her which built an anger that stuck

Shed have images of beating her dad until he was dead or stabbing him but all in protecting her mom and they'd run away together but....that's would never happen

One night Campbell woke up when she heard glass crash on the ground in the living room and knew her parents were at it again

"I told you to be back by this time Mia and what do you do! You fucking disobey me" Andrew yells as he smacks his wife causing her o fall to the floor

Mia turns on her back and Andrew gets on top of her and grabs her by her shirt

"Why can't you be normal for fucking once" He yells again as he shakes her, Mia just stares dead in his face as he continues to yell at her

Campbell at this point has come down and seen what's going, she knew that what she was about to do could lead to her getting hit but she needed to protect her mom like she always did

Campbell runs over and grabs her fathers hand before he can slap her mother causing him to look over and see her standing there

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