Chapter Eighteen: When will you be mine

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Not proofread trigger warning ⚠️ mentions of abuse

Campbell's POV

I come home from visiting Rue at the hospital, thankfully Jules is there because I was forced to come back due to my fathers planning my mothers funeral, well more like Cal and I planning it and my father agreeing lazily

I walk into the living room to see my father sitting in a chair staring at the wall with something in his hand, I stop walking and look at him and wait for him to speak

"Campbell......where did you get this" My father says as she he holds up the money Cal gave me

"The money for Mouse" I say, my father gets up and walks over to me as he looks at the money skeptically

"How did you get this much money so quickly" He says confused and almost upset

"Don't worry about long as we get this to him, the better" I say, My father looks at me and nods before walking off

I let out a big sigh as I walk to my room, as I do I see Cal standing behind the railing

"You didn't tell him" He says with no emotion

"Do you think he'd take it if I told him it was from you" I say, Cal nods and walks off to one what used to be his office and shutting the door, I walk straight to my room and close the door

I collapses on my bed with a sigh before feeling my phone beep, I pull my phone out to se see Maddy and Kat texted me

Kat: Can't hook up with you anymore, I can't hurt Maddy like that

I laugh a bit and tell her ok before going to Maddy's text

Maddy<3: I'm having second thoughts about Nate, he's been really upset and aggressive since the altercation with you and Fez...please be safe and keep me safe

I look at my phone sadly as I respond with always and close my phone, I really need to watch him, he's calculated and I know he's up to something

He always is

I adjust wrap my tie around my neck and look in the mirror at my reflection, I fix my curly black hair and flatten my jacket before walking out and down the stairs, I see Nate and his date talking to Marsha, My dad and Cal as they smile at her

I walk into view and see Cal turn and smile at me proudly as well as Marsha

"Well look at you" Cal says as he comes over and adjust my jacket

"Well  look at you" Cal says as he comes over and adjust my jacket

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Campbell's Suit^^

"You look so handsome Campbell" Marsh says

"Thank you Marsha" I say, I look over to my father and he fake smiles and looks away towards Nate

"Let me get that for you" Cal says before grabbing my tie and pushing my collar up, he warps the tie around my neck and ties it for me, he looks into my eye occasionally and smile before finishing and adjusting it

"Perfect" He says and I smile

"Thank you" I say genuinely

"Time to go" Nate says interrupting our moment, I look at Cal and Marsha one more time before walking to the door

I look at my father and give him a knowing look before leaving with Nate and his date, I sit in the car and watch them talk and flirt a it as I text Fez that we got the money and he needs to get his

I text Maddy I'm on my way before plugging in my music and watching Nate carefully, we make eye contact through the rear view mirror a few times before making it to the school

I walk in behinds them as Nate grabs the girls ass with her dress hiked up a bit, I walk over to the table with all the girls including Maddy but I walk to her

"Hey" I say tenderly, Maddy looks up at me and smiles widely

"Hi" She says happily causing my smile to get wider, I sit down next to her and wave to Rue, Lexi and Jules

I look over to Kat who smiles at me briefly before looking away, I feel a hand creep up in my thigh causing me to jump before relaxing when I feel the acrylics scratch my leg affectionately

I look over and see Maddy looking at me with a possessive look in her eyes and I put my hand in hers and smile

"Don't worry babygirl.......I'm yours" I say and she smiles a bit

"You better be" She says causing me to bite my lip before looking away and listening as the girls talk about high school, I pull my phone out and text my dad to go to Fez's house and give the money at a certain time

"Campbell" I hear a voice say, I look up to see Cassie looking at me

"Yes" I say with no emotion

"Do you think you've peaked yet" She says in a slight flirtatious way

"No.....I'm not close to the person I wanna be" I say before looking at Maddy who looks at me with an unreasonable expression, I see her look past me

I look over to see Nate staring us down as he dances with that girl who's name I don't know, I look back over to Maddy and see she's starting to think causing me to put my hand in her thigh making her look at me

"He won't bother you...not while I'm here" I say

" know what happened that caused him and I to break up again, if he knew what I told you then he's flip out" Maddy says, I kiss her forehead before looking his way and see him shooting daggers at me


I sit in bed with noise canceling headphones on minding my business when suddenly my door opens and Maddy comes in, I sit up as I see her crying a little

"Maddy what's wrong" I say as I take my headphones off, she doesn't respond and locks the door before jumping on my bed and straddling me

"Woah wait to me" I say as I catch her hands that we're about to go to my dick and my neck, she looks at me as she's in the verge of tears

"He......he got aggressive again after we argued because he couldn't stay hard....He grabbed my face and kept saying keep talking" Maddy say but stops and starts crying, I pull her close and let her cry in my chest

She stops after a while and looks at me

"I'm so sorry your in the middle of this Campbell.....I didn't want this to happen" She says and I grab her face gently and kiss her nose

"I chose to stay and deal.......I'll protect you but I won't let you keep doing this to yourself" I say, Maddy nods and lays her head into my chest

"I love you Bonnie..." I say, I feel Maddy tense up and I just stay silent, I know she doesn't love me the way I love her

But I can wait

A/n ok well let's get this show on the road lmao


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