Chapter Twenty-Six: Cal's Backstory pt 2

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Picking up where we left off.......

Since Cal had a girl...Derrick met one too which didn't hurt him but made him a little jealous

"I got an idea" Derrick says as his girlfriend kisses his neck, he gets up and starts undressing

"What are you doing bro" Cal says as Derrick takes his underwear off

"Let's go for a swim" Derrick says before grabbing a bottle and running out, everyone follows suit with stripping before run out out to the pool and jumping in

Just  as the night goes, Cal and Marsha head upstairs with Derrick wishing him luck, but the fun ends...very quickly and unexpectedly

And just like became a regular thing, back then Marsha would tell him what felt good and eventually he got better at it

He likes everything they did, and it was all he could think about

"Really" Derrick says as he laces his boots up

"I love it" Cal says with a smile

"I like women couldn't pay me to eat pussy" Derrick says and Cal just smiles before walking out to the wrestling mats

He looks over to see Andrew staring at him which gave him a weird feeling, as Cal and Derrick wrestled, Cal couldn't help but feel happy being with Derrick

Derrick pins Cal and leans down to him

"I win pussy...I win" Derrick says and Cal just smiles

Time skip

Cal and Derrick drive down the road in their cap and gowns as Derrick waves to people and Cal just smiles with glee

Cal was going to Duke and Derrick was going to a state school out west, after the graduation Cal decided to head out alone just to sit in the moment, he even told Derrick he was going out with Marsha for the night

Cal pulls up to Derrick and his spot when suddenly he bumps into someone who jumps harshly

"Oh shit man my bad" Cal says but soon he sees it's Andrew

"Nah it's ok" Andrew says in a shaky voice causing Cal to look at him worriedly

"You ok Drew" Cal says and Andrew sighs and sits down on the curb of the almost empty parking lot

" into a fight with my dad..about college that's all" He says, Cal sighs and sits next to Andrew who's looking down

"How bad" Cal says and Andrew picks up his face and looks to Cal which reveals a giant black eye and busted lip on Andrews face

"Very bad....what brings you out here" Andrew says and Cal decides to not push Andrew on the subject of his face

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