Chapter Thirty-One: Weird Behavior

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This pic/scene makes me mad uncomfortable ^^^ion like his hands near her neck

Campbell's POV

I stand proudly next to Maddy as Cassie comes in with her birthday cake in hand, i smile as we sing happy birthday for my babygirl

I kiss her passionately before she turns and blows her candles out and I clap with everyone else

"Oh present time" Suze yells and I laugh nervously as everyone gathers their present for Maddy and walk them over to her

"Oh my fucking god, you guys spoil me" Maddy says causing me to laugh as the present in my pocket is burning a hole in it

It always burned a hole in my wallet

Maddy opens gifts one by one till she gets to Cassie's, she opens it and it's a scrapbook of all their pictures and memories

" don't cry" I say as I see Maddy tearing up, she looks to Cassie with a happy smile and Cassie smiles to her as well, Maddy gets up and brings Cassie into a tight hug and I smile happily

I haven't seen my girl that happy in so long, well besides when she with me

They pull away and I feel my nerves come over me once again as everyone looks to me

"Who's left...oh Campbell sweetheart, what did you get your girlfriend..better be nice" Suze teases and I laugh a little

"Uh yea it is....I hope you like it Maddy....uh come here" I say and she walks over to me nervously causing me to smile

"Uh...ok...Maddy you make me the happiest girl on earth, I haven't felt this way...this happy in so long and I know I make you just as deserve the world and all its finer with something else...I got you..this" I say before getting down on one knee

The whole room gasps as does Maddy who covers her mouth in surprise

"Oh my god, Campbell we can't get married now...maybe after we graduate" Maddy says and I laugh

"No's a promise ring...I got it specially made for you...and only you" I say and everyone awes as I open the box and I hear BB gasp

and only you" I say and everyone awes as I open the box and I hear BB gasp

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The ring^^^

"Oh she got money..that rock is huge" She says everyone to laugh a little

"This so gorgeous baby....I'll take this promise any time" Maddy says before slipping the ring on her ring finger, I smile and stand up as I'm pulled into a tight hug

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