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"Dead." Gadreel answered wiping his blade off.

Dagon looked up. "What killed them?" Dagon commanded.

"You'll be amused to find out those three boys did. And the girl who I pushed in their direction, well she killed herself, blew her head right off." Gadreel mused.

"The ones the cult sacrificed?" Dagon asked.

"Yes. It worked Dagon. They aren't human. Now they aren't exactly high tier demons, I'm pretty sure they are incubus, but incubus is still dangerous, and Lilith is one crazy bitch when provoked. They don't even know how to use their powers so imagine what they are capable of if trained." Excitement raced through Gadreel.

He hadn't been this excited or had this much fun since deceiving Eve.

"That is one piece of the plan. Lucifer will be happy to hear, I doubt the angels will be though. Next piece though. The biggest one, we are going to kickstart the apocalypse but first I need you to find this woman." Dagon slid a picture of a girl over to Gadreel.

Gadreel picked it up. The picture showed a woman in either nineteen or in her exceedingly early twenties. She had long brown hair and honey-colored eyes.

"Who is she?" Gadreel asked.

"Well, she has an interesting background for sure. It seems all mighty father and other angels missed a Nephilim at one point who had children. She has diluted angel blood, too diluted to attract angels naturally but not too diluted for her to be rendered useless. She's also blessed, well her mother was. Blessed to have a child by a higher up angel. My guess was the high-up angels intended to weaponize her at one point. However, that diluted angel blood in her makes her more resistant. Your job is to capture her, alive. The alive is important, she's useless dead." Dagon told him.

"A diluted angel blood blessed human. This ought to be fun. What's her purpose?" Gadreel asked.

If he was anyone else Dagon would've have dismissed him. But Gadreel was a high-ranking demon, one of the original fallen angels. Regardless of Dagon's status it made Gadreel equal and in certain situations higher.

"Lucifer hasn't disclosed the details. My guess is weaponize her as well. Her resistance to angelic and demonic powers could make her useful." Dagon told him.

"Alright, last known location on her?" Gadreel asked.

"She's in a college in Utah. We don't know the exact one, but I'm sure with your skills you can find her." Dagon answered.

"That I can." Gadreel responded.

"And keep an eye on those three new demons. They'll be useful in what's coming. I'd like to have everything all tied up before the angels rip open heavens gates. Regardless of if they are incubus, they'll be a big threat to the angels. So, get ready to grab them." Dagon told him.

"And if they resist? They seemed shaken up last time I saw them." Gadreel asked.

"Do whatever it takes, they're immortal now, if you kill them, they'll just go to hell, and you can bring them back. Just don't let the angels get a hold of them." Dagon told him.

Gadreel smiled as he stood up.

"Well, it seems I have a gifted human to hunt."

531. Wait until you guys meet ms. angel blood-angel blessed. She's quite the character. Anyways here we are with book 1! Cults & Vengeance was the prequel to kick off this series. This will be an actual novel this time. I've also been working on some art of these lovelies. ***


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