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15. Potential Bonding



I looked up at Olympia as she sat on the bed with a plate of pancakes in her lap. Emerson had made them before him, and Reese had gone to sit outside. They had been out there for a while mostly just talking. I checked on them every now and then to make sure they were good. But they deserved some alone time.

"Road trip, we're just out exploring some areas, considering a few national parks as well." I told her.

Olympia nodded.

"Um, where are you guys heading next?"

"California. It's what Reese picked. We're mostly just seeing the country. We graduated not that long ago so this was the after-graduation plan, we had in mind." I told her.

"How old are you three?" Olympia asked.

"We're all eighteen."

Olympia nodded. "How old are you?"

"I'm nineteen going on twenty." Olympia answered.

"How long have you been in college?" I asked.

"About a year now. Are you guys intending to go to college?"

When she was put in a comfortable state she talks with ease. Most of the time she's looking around and ticking constantly. Her words would become slurred but if you got an interesting topic for her, she'd talk fast and passionately.

Of course, it's easy to get her out of that zone as well and turn it into anxiety.

Since she had joined us on the road trip, I had been doing my best to learn about her. So far I've gathered that she has panic disorder, enjoys books, and is easily pressured into things. Her being at the club was a fantastic example of it.

Olympia isn't a club type of person and had been pressured into the club by a 'friend' of hers.

Which is how the four of us were brought together.

"Not sure yet, I am for one considering it, but I don't know about Emerson and Reese." I answered.

Olympia nodded. "Um are they dating? Emerson and Reese." Olympia asked.

"Yeah, they started dating on the road trip probably not that long before you joined." I told her.

Or that is at least what I had pinned it down to. I didn't bother them much on it. As long as they didn't disturb the road trip I didn't care.

"Were all of you friends before this?" Olympia asked.

"Yeah, Emerson and Reese were childhood friends and then I joined them a few years later and we've been friends since. Been through some traumatic things together as well." I made a motion towards my chest where the scars from the stabbing I underwent lie.

Memories of that night are blurry. The only one who has a more vivid recollection of that night is Reese and he rarely talked about it.

We all dealt with it in our own ways. Most of it consisted of bottling it up and shoving it down. Nightmares were frequent for most of us. But therapy isn't exactly an option for being sacrificed by a satanic cult.

"You said you guys died." Olympia murmured.

"Yeah. You saw the scars." I told her.

I had been the one to explain everything to her. Reese isn't the nicest of the three of us and Emerson is just Emerson. He is nice but he tends to be overly nice. He's the sweeter of all three of us while I'm the voice of reason. Hence why I had been the one to explain things to her.

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