11. Bonded Through Dangerous Times
I NEVER THOUGHT THE DAY WOULD COME WHERE WE HAD SOME RANDOM woman from college in an R.V. with us trying to explain to her demons exist.
It's complicated when us three don't even know that much about demons. But Reese said that Gadreel had been chasing this woman; Olympia, which could make her target.
While I don't consider myself a saint by any means it would haunt me if she ended up dead all because we didn't bother to help her. Even if right now she didn't view our help as a way of helping her but kidnapping her.
I'd give it to her though, she's reacting much better than most people would. Now that she's out of the screaming, crying, hysterics stage she's a bit more levelheaded.
"And uh, that is how we ended up here." I finished up the insane story of us three.
Telling it out loud really showed just how drastic everything had been. I left out a few details, mostly the ones about Reese and I killing the people from the cult and Radella's suicide.
I didn't understand Radella's suicide much less anything she had been raving about. The only thing that even slightly resembled her 'story' was the party where the three of us ended up intoxicated out of our minds.
None of us had clothes on, but it was only us three in bed. Reese said nothing about it and Emerson didn't recall anything. Reese and I both chose to keep quiet on that. Avoid any mention of it. We had no idea what happened and didn't plan to find out.
Olympia's hazel eyes stared into mine. "You're telling me you were sacrificed by a cult. Survived it. Became demons and are now being chased by an even bigger bad demon who happened to be the one to kill Jodene. And this demon could be targeting me now?" Olympia asked.
"That's the simplified version. You passed out and as you can tell we freaked after we saw him. I promise you we didn't kidnap you. If we did, we're quite shitty kidnappers, it'd be smarter to restrain you instead of reassuring you." I trailed off.
While I was correct on that I can see how it could come off as creepy to her.
"You sound like you've watched too much T.V. and at one point decided to watch Jennifer's Body. Why do you think I'd believe you?" Olympia asked.
"How many kidnappers do you know that pretend to be demons to justify what they did?" Reese asked.
He finally spoke up from his silence. Since Olympia and I had begun talking he had kept quiet and just watched the two of us. Now he had spoken and given his opinion. And as always, he did have a valid opinion.
An opinion that made Olympia go quiet.
"Fine. Let's say all of that did happen. What exactly are you three planning to do?" Olympia asked.
"Drive." Emerson murmured.
Olympia let out a humorless laugh before stopping.
"Your serious?" She questioned.
"There isn't much else for us to do. This man: Gadreel has proved to be nothing short of persistent with chasing us. We don't even know what he wants. The only thing we can think of is to just outrun our problems." I answered.
Olympia frowned as she looked at the floor. "Are you intending to just drag me along with you now?" Olympia asked.
"Don't act all glum, it's not if we wanted to. It's called empathy and concern. If you want to go take on Gadreel, be my guest."

Demons & Angels
ParanormalRunning away from your problems seems to be the solution until you actually run away. Once you runaway you discover that your problems follow you, even to the grave. ~~~ A road trip was supposed to fix Emerson, Lawson, and Reese's problems. After be...