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25. Cat and Mouse



The scene of my best friend's death was stuck on repeat in my head. It's all I could fucking seeing is his neck snapping.

At the same time, I was in denial. He couldn't actually be dead. He survived the cult same as we did, we were literally stabbed to death and woke up the next morning. He can't be dead.

"Reese, we need to go back for him."

"Emerson we can't."

Reese rarely ever uses my full name. It's always Em and in an affectionate way. Even before we were dating, he used the nickname Em a lot. It's something I had come along to enjoyed which also gave me negative feelings towards him calling me Emerson.

This meant he was serious.

"He could be alive. We all survived that stabbing, Reese he could be alive and needing us."

"Emerson they are most likely waiting there for us while others go and find us. Lawson told us to go so we have to go. This hurts me as well Emerson. I don't want to leave him there either, but we need to think logically."

I hated that he's right. Gadreel and his people were no doubt waiting for us. For all we know they have collected his body and are waiting for us to walk into a trap.

"Babe, go sit down with Olympia. I'm going to get us out of here. We need to hit a busy section; they aren't stupid enough to try anything while we are there." Reese told me.

All I could do is silently make my way to back.

Olympia was in Lawson's bed when I came to the back. She was sitting silently with a blanket pulled tight around her staring emotionlessly forward. I could still hear her screaming when Lawson—fuck I need to stop thinking about that.

I sat down next to her and scooted over close to her. Olympia looked up and nervously swallowed.

"I'm sorry."

"What for?" I asked.

"This is all my fault. He wants me clearly."

Blaming yourself is common in the event of tragedy. If anything, it's the normal thing to do and people who don't do it would be the odd ones out.

I didn't have many words of comfort in the situation. I'm still reeling from the loss of my best friend. Even if Olympia is to blame, I didn't have the energy in me to blame her.

I wordlessly wrapped an arm around her and hugged her.

She didn't argue with me, she didn't pull away, she just sat there motionlessly before lightly leaning into the hug.

None of us said anything we just kept quiet.

Reese was silent in the front seat as he kept his foot on the gas. The silence felt deafening as we all just sat there no words able to fill the missing space where Lawson should be.

Stopping had been a mistake. For fuck's sake we should've left way earlier. If we did Lawson would still be here.

What stings the most is having to leave him behind. Even if he's dead he didn't deserve to be left behind. That's what makes this the worse.

No one said anything as we just sped along through the city.


Olympia looked up where Reese had hit the steering wheel as we stopped in traffic. I let go of Olympia and gently squeezed her shoulder before heading over to Reese.

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